Smooth Swing Door 2.0


From Xugu Madison:

// $Id: smooth swing door.lsl 25 2009-08-14 21:53:09Z jrn $
// Smooth swing door, with access control. Control starts at the default state, which
// attempts to load the configuration from the notecard "Configuration" in prim inventory.
// It then passes control along to read_whitelist, then read_blacklist,
// then read_managers, which read in the access control list. After the
// access control lists are loaded, control passes to the setup_door state
// which provides final validation of the door configuration before passing
// to the closed state.
// There are then 6 states the door moves between:
// closed - indicating the door is closed and unlocked
// open - indicating the door is oepn and unlocked
// swinging - the door is swinging from closed to open
// swinging - the door is swinging from open to closed
// locked_closed - locked in the closed position
// locked_open - locked in the open position ("latched")

// Constants

list CONFIGURATION_NOTECARDS = ["Configuration", "Whitelist", "Blacklist", "Managers"];


// These are just defaults, and should be changed from the notecard

list g_Whitelist;
list g_Managers;
list g_Blacklist;

integer g_AllowEveryone;
integer g_AllowGroup;

float g_AutoClose; // Seconds before the door auto-closes
float g_SwingTime; // Seconds for the door to swing from closed to open or back again
integer g_SwingDegrees; // Degrees
vector g_SwingVector;

integer g_ListenChannel; // >= 0 to activate listening

float g_SoundVolume; 
integer g_ChimeActive;
string g_ChimeSoundName;
string g_ClosingSoundName;
string g_LockedSoundName;
string g_OpeningSoundName;
string g_UnlockedSoundName;

// These hold state that needs global access

// 0-4, referring to configuration, whitelist, blacklist and managerlist
// loading.
integer g_ConfigurationStage;

rotation g_ClosedRot;
rotation g_OpenRot;
vector g_UpAxis;

integer g_IsClosed = TRUE;
integer g_IsLocked = FALSE;

integer g_NotecardLine;
key g_NotecardQuery;

// Returns whether the given avatar with UIID "detectedKey" and name
// "detectedName" has permission to open/close this door. "detectedGroup"
// indicates if the avatar has the same ACTIVE group as the group this
// door belongs to (TRUE or FALSE).
integer hasAccess(key detectedKey, string detectedName, integer detectedGroup)
    if (detectedKey == llGetOwner())
        return TRUE;
    if (llListFindList(g_Managers, [detectedName]) >= 0)
        return TRUE;
    if (g_IsLocked)
        return FALSE;

    if (llListFindList(g_Whitelist, [detectedName]) >= 0)
        return TRUE;
    if (llListFindList(g_Blacklist, [detectedName]) >= 0)
        return FALSE;
    if (g_AllowEveryone)
        return TRUE;
    if (g_AllowGroup &&
        return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

// Parses the configuration as it's loaded from the default state.
// Lines starting with the '#' character are assumed to be comments.
// All other lines are broken into two parts around the '=' character
// and then evaluated as a key-value pair.
parseConfigurationLine(string data)
    list parts;
    string name;
    string rawValue;
    string value;
    if (data == "" ||
        llGetSubString(data, 0, 0) == "#")
        // Comment, ignore
    parts = llParseString2List(data, NOTECARD_SEPARATORS, NOTECARD_SPACERS);
    if (llGetListLength(parts) <2)
        // Ignore value
    name = llStringTrim(llToLower(llList2String(parts, 0)), STRING_TRIM);
    rawValue = llList2String(parts, 1);
    value = llStringTrim(llToLower(rawValue), STRING_TRIM);
    if (name == "access")
        if (value == "owner")
            g_AllowEveryone = FALSE;
            g_AllowGroup = FALSE;
        else if (value == "group")
            g_AllowEveryone = FALSE;
            g_AllowGroup = TRUE;
        else if (value == "everyone" || value == "all")
            g_AllowEveryone = TRUE;
            g_AllowGroup = TRUE;
        } else {
            llOwnerSay("Unknown access type \""
                + value + "\"; valid values are \"owner\", \"group\" or \"everyone\".");
    else if (name == "auto_close")
        g_AutoClose = (float)value;
    else if (name == "chime_name")
        g_ChimeSoundName = value;
    else if (name == "chime_active") 
        if (value == "false" ||
            value == "no")     {
            g_ChimeActive = FALSE;
            g_ChimeActive = TRUE;
    else if (name == "closing_sound_name")
        if (llGetInventoryType(rawValue) != INVENTORY_SOUND)
            llOwnerSay("Closing sound \""
                + rawValue + "\" specified in configuration is either missing from prim inventory, or not a sound.");
            g_ClosingSoundName = rawValue;
    else if (name == "listen_channel")
        g_ListenChannel = (integer)value;
    else if (name == "locked_sound_name")
        if (llGetInventoryType(rawValue) !=  INVENTORY_SOUND)
            llOwnerSay("Locked sound \""
                + rawValue + "\" specified in configuration is either missing from prim inventory, or not a sound.");
            g_LockedSoundName = rawValue;
    else if (name == "opening_sound_name")
        if (llGetInventoryType(rawValue) != INVENTORY_SOUND)
            llOwnerSay("Opening sound \""
                + rawValue + "\" specified in configuration is either missing from prim inventory, or not a sound.");
            g_OpeningSoundName = rawValue;
    else if (name == "sound_volume")
        g_SoundVolume = (float)value;
    else if (name == "swing_degrees")
        g_SwingDegrees = (integer)value;
        if (g_SwingDegrees < -360 ||
            g_SwingDegrees > 360)
            llOwnerSay("Swing degrees must be between -360 and 360 degrees, reverting to 90 degrees.");
            g_SwingDegrees = 90;
    else if (name == "swing_time")
        g_SwingTime = (float)value;
        if (g_SwingTime <0.1)
            llOwnerSay("Swing time must be at least 0.1 seconds, reverting to default of 1.5 seconds.");
            g_SwingTime = 1.5;
    else if (name == "unlocked_sound_name")
        if (llGetInventoryType(rawValue) !=  INVENTORY_SOUND)
            llOwnerSay("Unlocked sound \""
                + rawValue + "\" specified in configuration is either missing from prim inventory, or not a sound.");
            g_UnlockedSoundName = rawValue;
        llOwnerSay("Unknown parameter \""
            + name + "\"; valid names are; access, auto_close, listen_channel, chime_active, chime_name, closing_sound_name, locked_sound_name, opening_sound_name, sound_volume, swing_degrees, swing_time, time_to_close and unlocked_sound_name.");

// Wipes the configuration, cancels any configuration load in progress, and
// starts loading the configuration afresh. Intended to be called only from
// the load_configuration state. Returns TRUE if configuration load was started
// successfully, FALSE otherwise.
integer reloadConfiguration()
    // We clear all existing configuration data before attempting to load
    // the new one.
    g_Whitelist = [];
    g_Managers = [];
    g_Blacklist = [];

    g_AllowEveryone = FALSE;
    g_AllowGroup = FALSE;

    g_AutoClose = 3.0; // Seconds before the door auto-closes
    g_SwingTime = 1.0; // Seconds
    g_SwingDegrees = 90; // Degrees

    g_ListenChannel = -1; // >= 0 to activate listening

    g_SoundVolume = 0.8; 
    g_ChimeActive = TRUE;
    g_ChimeSoundName = "Door bell";
    g_ClosingSoundName = "Door closing";
    g_LockedSoundName = "Door locked";
    g_OpeningSoundName = "Door opening";
    g_UnlockedSoundName = "Door unlocked";
    g_NotecardLine = 0;
    integer notecardCount = llGetListLength(CONFIGURATION_NOTECARDS);
    for (g_ConfigurationStage = 0; g_ConfigurationStage  0.0 &&
        g_ChimeSoundName != "")
            llTriggerSound(g_ChimeSoundName, g_SoundVolume);

// Used to update the white/black lists on the fly from chat commands.
// Accepts commands "show", "add" or "remove", with the last two
// to be followed by an avatar name.
list updateList(key id, list modifyList, string message)
    list parts = llParseString2List(message, [" "], []);
    integer partsLength = llGetListLength(parts);
    if (partsLength == 1 ||
        llList2String(parts, 1) == "list" ||
        llList2String(parts, 1) == "show")
        integer listIdx;
        integer listLength = llGetListLength(modifyList);
        string message;
        if (listLength == 0)
            llInstantMessage(id, "List is empty.");
            llInstantMessage(id, "Avatars: "
                + llList2CSV(modifyList));
        return modifyList;
    else if (llList2String(parts, 1) == "add")
        if (partsLength <3)
            llInstantMessage(id, "You must specify an avatar to add to the list.");
            string target = llDumpList2String(llList2List(parts, 2, partsLength - 1), " ");
            llInstantMessage(id, "Adding \""
                + target + "\" to list.");
            return llListInsertList(modifyList, [target], 0);
    else if (llList2String(parts, 1) == "remove")
        if (partsLength < 3)
            llInstantMessage(id, "You must specify an avatar to remove from the list.");
            integer targetIdx;
            string target = llDumpList2String(llList2List(parts, 2, partsLength - 1), " ");
            targetIdx = llListFindList(modifyList, [target]);
            if (targetIdx < 0)
                llInstantMessage(id, "The avatar \""
                    + target + "\" is not in this list.");
                llInstantMessage(id, "Removing \""
                    + target + "\" from list.");
                return llDeleteSubList(modifyList, targetIdx, targetIdx);
        llInstantMessage(id, "Unrecognised command \""
            + llList2String(parts, 1) + "\"; expected \"show\", \"add\" or \"remove\".");
    return modifyList;

integer validateListen(integer channel, string name, key id)
    key owner = llGetOwner();
    if (channel != g_ListenChannel)
        return FALSE;
    if (id != owner &&
        llGetOwnerKey(id) != owner &&
        // The llGetOwnerKey() is the only way I could find of checking
        // we're hearing an avatar.
        (llGetOwnerKey(id) != id ||
        llListFindList(g_Managers, [name]) >= 0))
        return FALSE;
    return TRUE;

// Attempts to read in the configuration, whitelist, blacklist and manager list,
// then proceeds to the closed state.
    changed(integer change)
        if (change & CHANGED_INVENTORY)
            if (!reloadConfiguration())
                state ready;

    dataserver(key queryID, string data)
        if (queryID != g_NotecardQuery)
        if (data == EOF)
            // Go back to the start of the notecard, because we're about to load
            // a new notecard.
            g_NotecardLine = 0;
            // And automatically proceed to the next configuration stage.
            // If we're at the end of a notecard, look for a further notecard to read, or
            // proceed to the door setup state if we've read all the notecards in.
            integer notecardCount = llGetListLength(CONFIGURATION_NOTECARDS);
            for (; g_ConfigurationStage , 1.0);
            if (g_SoundVolume > 0.0) {
                if (llGetInventoryType(g_ChimeSoundName) != INVENTORY_SOUND)
                    g_ChimeSoundName = "";
                if (llGetInventoryType(g_ClosingSoundName) != INVENTORY_SOUND)
                    g_ClosingSoundName = "";
                if (llGetInventoryType(g_LockedSoundName) != INVENTORY_SOUND)
                    g_LockedSoundName = "";
                if (llGetInventoryType(g_OpeningSoundName) != INVENTORY_SOUND)
                    g_OpeningSoundName = "";
                if (llGetInventoryType(g_UnlockedSoundName) != INVENTORY_SOUND)
                    g_UnlockedSoundName = "";
            state ready;
        if (g_ConfigurationStage == 0)
        else if (g_ConfigurationStage == 1)
            g_Whitelist += data;
        else if (g_ConfigurationStage == 2)
            g_Blacklist += data;
        else if (g_ConfigurationStage == 3)
            g_Managers += data;
        g_NotecardQuery = llGetNotecardLine(llList2String(CONFIGURATION_NOTECARDS, g_ConfigurationStage), g_NotecardLine++);

        llSetText("Loading configuration...", <1 .0, 1.0, 1.0>, 1.0);
        if (!reloadConfiguration())
            state ready;
        llSetText("", <1 .0, 1.0, 1.0>, 0.0);
        g_SwingVector = <0, 0, g_SwingDegrees * DEG_TO_RAD>;

state ready
    changed(integer change)
        if (change & CHANGED_INVENTORY)
            state default;
    listen( integer channel, string name, key id, string message)
        if (!validateListen(channel, name, id))
        message = llStringTrim(llToLower(message), STRING_TRIM);
        if (message == "lock")
            // Cancel any auto-close.
            if (g_SoundVolume > 0.0 &&
                g_LockedSoundName != "")
                llTriggerSound(g_LockedSoundName, g_SoundVolume);
            llSay(0, "Locked");
            g_IsLocked = TRUE;
        else if (message == "toggle")
            state swinging;
        else if (message == "unlock")
            if (!g_IsClosed &&
                g_AutoClose > 0.0)
            if (g_SoundVolume > 0.0 &&
                g_UnlockedSoundName != "")
                llTriggerSound(g_UnlockedSoundName, g_SoundVolume);
            llSay(0, "Unlocked");
            g_IsLocked = FALSE;
        else if (llSubStringIndex(message, "white") == 0)
            g_Whitelist = updateList(id, g_Whitelist, message);
        else if (llSubStringIndex(message, "black") == 0)
            g_Blacklist = updateList(id, g_Blacklist, message);
            llInstantMessage(id, "Unrecognised command \""
                + message + "\".");
        if (g_ListenChannel >= 0)
            llListen(g_ListenChannel, "", NULL_KEY, "");

        if (!g_IsClosed &&
            g_AutoClose > 0.0)
        state swinging;
    touch_end(integer numTouching)
        integer i;
        for (i = 0; i  0.0 &&
                g_OpeningSoundName != "")
                llTriggerSound(g_OpeningSoundName, g_SoundVolume);
            g_ClosedRot = llGetLocalRot();
            g_OpenRot = delta * g_ClosedRot ;
            g_UpAxis = llRot2Up(g_ClosedRot);
            llTargetOmega(g_UpAxis, g_SwingVector.z / g_SwingTime, 1.0);
            if (g_SoundVolume > 0.0 &&
                g_ClosingSoundName != "")
                llTriggerSound(g_ClosingSoundName, g_SoundVolume);
            llTargetOmega(g_UpAxis, -(g_SwingVector.z / g_SwingTime), 1.0);
        llTargetOmega(g_UpAxis, 0, 0);
        if (g_IsClosed)
        g_IsClosed = !g_IsClosed;
        state ready;


HP Door


From Tony SkyBlinder Hirons:


This script is for break one door, or can be used for other prims.

You can change the timer for reload the HP.

Can be one good tool for doing rp too.

If you have any questions let me know, ty.

//This script is distributed for free and must stay that way.

integer counter = 500;
float TIMER = 180.0;

conteur (){
counter -= 10;
llSetText((string)counter +"/500 HP", <1 .0, 1.0, 1.0>, 1.0);
if (counter <500)
TIMER = 180.0;//here we can change the timer
llSetColor(<0.20000, 0.90196, 0.80392>, ALL_SIDES );
if (counter <1)
llMessageLinked(LINK_SET, 0, "dk", NULL_KEY);
llSetText("", <1.0, 0.0, 0.0>, 1.0);
TIMER = 120.0;// here I change the timer

llMessageLinked(LINK_SET, 0, "dr", NULL_KEY);
llSetText((string)counter +"/500 HP", <1 .0, 0.0, 0.0>, 1.0); 
llSetColor(<0.20000, 0.90196, 0.80392>, ALL_SIDES );
collision(integer num)


if (llDetectedType(0) & AGENT)

llCollisionFilter("none", NULL_KEY, TRUE);
llCollisionFilter("", NULL_KEY, TRUE);
else {
conteur ();}


llMessageLinked(LINK_SET, 0, "dr", NULL_KEY);
counter =500;
//llSetColor(<0.0, 0.0, 1.0>, ALL_SIDES );
llSetText((string)counter +"/500 HP", <1 .0, 0.0, 0.0>, 1.0);


Shutter Door ( V2 )


Retracting door. Acts like a security shutter. The textures are offset to follow the movement so as the shutter folds away or folds out the texture stays in the correct place. This first version may be a little ropey but I got bored testing. I'll work on an update later.


Create Basic Shutter

Drop this script on a fresh prim to create a basic shutter shape with a simple shutter texturing provided by using the "Siding" bump map.


// V1 //
        llSetPrimitiveParams([7, <4 .0, 6.0, 0.01>,
                              8, <0.0, 0.707107, -0.707107, 0.0>,
                              9, 0, 0, <0.375, 0.875, 0.0>, 0.0, <0.0, 0.0, 0.0>, <1 .0, 1.0, 0.0>, <0.0, 0.0, 0.0>,
                              17, -1, "5748decc-f629-461c-9a36-a35a221fe21f", <6 .0, 1.0, 0.0>, <0.0, 0.0, 0.0>, 1.570796,
                              18, -1, <1 .0, 1.0, 1.0>, 1.0,
                              19, 0, 1, 13,
                              19, 1, 1, 0,
                              19, 2, 1, 0,
                              19, 3, 1, 0,
                              19, 4, 1, 13,
                              19, 5, 1, 0,
                              19, 6, 1, 0,
                              25, -1, 0.02]);
        llRemoveInventory(llGetScriptName()); // Self deleting script.



Shutter Script


This script actually operates the door (by touch).


// V2 //
float delay = 10.0; // Seconds before auto closure. Set to zero to disable.
float volume = 1.0; // Volume for sounds. 0.0 to 1.0
float speed = 0.02; // Speed of shutter action. The larger the figure the faster the action.
key texture = TEXTURE_BLANK; // UUID of the texture to use on the two most prominent faces.
key start = "03127ba7-9dbb-b6ab-0622-dcf8f1cd841a"; // UUID of initializing sound.
key loop = "55fc1f41-9b74-bc66-8ad5-89b6c489851c"; // UUID of retraction loop sound.
key end = "c7579f2c-6a23-f2b6-8d82-84a052b1bc30"; // UUID of termination sound.
integer open;
float rot;
float Y;
OperateDoor(integer i)
    vector v = llGetScale();
    float y = v.y;
    llTriggerSound(start, volume);
    llLoopSound(loop, volume);
        Y = y;
        float o = 1.0;
        while(y > speed)
            llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(-4, [PRIM_SIZE, ,
                                              PRIM_TEXTURE, 4, texture, , <(o -= (speed / 2)),0.0,0.0>, rot,
                                              PRIM_TEXTURE, 0, texture, , <(-o),0.0,0.0>, rot]);
            if(o <(-1.0 + (speed / 2)))
            o = 1.0;
        float o = 0.0;
        while(y < Y)
            llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(-4, [PRIM_SIZE, ,
                                              PRIM_TEXTURE, 4, texture, , <(o += (speed / 2)),0.0,0.0>, rot,
                                              PRIM_TEXTURE, 0, texture, , <(-o),0.0,0.0>, rot]);
            if(o > (1 - (speed / 2)))
            o = 0.0;
    llPlaySound(end, volume);
        rot = (90.0 * DEG_TO_RAD);
    touch_start(integer nd)
        OperateDoor((open = (!open)));
        OperateDoor((open = 0));


Basic Smooth Sliding Door ( V1 )


Sliding door that glides smoothly from closed to open and back with an auto timer.


  • DO NOT LINK TO HOUSE (even though it is quite funny).
// V1 //
vector target = <1 .5, 0.1, 0.0>; // Play about to get the result you want.
// Each of the 3 floats represents X, Y, Z region axis in meters.
float time = 10.0; // Time for auto close. Set to zero to disable.
integer t;
integer open;
vector pos;
    vector targ;
        targ = (pos + target);
        targ = (pos);
    open = (!open);
    t = llTarget(targ, 0.04);
    llMoveToTarget(targ, 0.75);
    llSetStatus(STATUS_PHYSICS |
                STATUS_PHANTOM, TRUE);
    on_rez(integer param)
        llSetStatus(STATUS_BLOCK_GRAB, TRUE);
        llSetStatus(STATUS_PHYSICS |
                    STATUS_ROTATE_X |
                    STATUS_ROTATE_Y |
                    STATUS_ROTATE_Z |
                    STATUS_PHANTOM, FALSE);
        pos = llGetPos();
    touch_start(integer nd)
    at_target(integer num, vector tpos, vector opos)
        llSetStatus(STATUS_PHYSICS |
                    STATUS_PHANTOM, FALSE);