// Timeless Linked Door Script by Timeless Prototype //------------------------------------------------------ // The latest version of this script can always be found // in the Library section of the wiki: // http://www.secondlife.com/badgeo/ // This script is free to use, but whereever it is used // the SCRIPT's permissions MUST be set to: // [x] Next owner can modify // [x] Next owner can copy // [x] Next owner can transfer // [x] Allow anyone to copy // [x] Share with group //------------------------------------------------------ // USAGE INSTRUCTIONS FOR EVERYDAY USE: //------------------------------------------------------ // Say the following commands on channel 0: // 'unlock' - Unlocks all doors in range. // 'lock' - Locks all doors in range and allows // only the permitted users to open it. // To open the door, either Touch it, Walk into it or // say 'open' or say 'close'. //------------------------------------------------------ // USAGE INSTRUCTIONS FOR BUILDERS: //------------------------------------------------------ // 1. Copy and paste this script into the door prim and // change the settings (see further down). // 2. The door prim must be linked to at least one other // prim (could be linked to the house for example). // 3. The door prim MUST NOT be the root prim. // 4. Use Edit Linked Parts to move, rotate and size the // door prim for the closed state. // 5. When ready, stand close to the door and say // '/door closed' (this records the closed door // position, rotation and size to the object's // name and description). // 6. Use the Edit Linked parts to move, rotate and size // the door prim for the opened state. // 7. When ready, stand close to the door and say // '/door opened' (this records the opened door // position, rotation and size). // 8. Once recorded it will not accept these commands // again. If you do need to redo the settings then // delete the Name and Description of the door prim // (these are where the position information is // stored), and then follow the steps above again. // Note: deleting the object name won't save, so set // the object name to 'Object' to reset the object // name. //------------------------------------------------------ // Change these settings to suit your needs. //------------------------------------------------------ // To mute any/all of the sounds set the sound string(s) // to "" (empty string). // To get the UUID of a sound, right click on the sound // in your inventory and choose "Copy Asset UUID", then // paste the UUID in here. string doorOpenSound = "cb340647-9680-dd5e-49c0-86edfa01b3ac"; string doorCloseSound = "e7ff1054-003d-d134-66be-207573f2b535"; string confirmedSound = "69743cb2-e509-ed4d-4e52-e697dc13d7ac"; string accessDeniedSound = "58da0f9f-42e5-8a8f-ee51-4fac6c247c98"; string doorBellSound = "ee871042-e272-d8ec-3d40-0b0cb3371346"; // Setting to empty stops door announcements too. float autoCloseTime = 120.0; // 0 seconds to disable auto close. integer allowGroupToo = TRUE; // Set to FALSE to disallow same group access to door. list allowedAgentUUIDs = ["8efecbac-35de-4f40-89c1-2c772b83cafa"]; // Comma-separated, quoted list of avatar UUIDs who are allowed access to this door. integer listenChannel = 0; //------------------------------------------------------ // Leave the rest of the settings alone, these are // handled by the script itself. //------------------------------------------------------ integer isLocked = FALSE; // Only when the door is locked do the permissions apply. integer isOpen = TRUE; vector openPos = ZERO_VECTOR; rotation openRot = ZERO_ROTATION; vector openScale = ZERO_VECTOR; vector closedPos = ZERO_VECTOR; rotation closedRot = ZERO_ROTATION; vector closedScale = ZERO_VECTOR; key openerKey = NULL_KEY; key closerKey = NULL_KEY; integer isSetup = FALSE; integer listenHandle = 0; string avatarName = ""; mySayName(integer channel, string objectName, string message) { string name = llGetObjectName(); llSetObjectName(objectName); llSay(0, "/me " + message); llSetObjectName(name); } mySay(integer channel, string message) { string name = llGetObjectName(); llSetObjectName("Door"); llSay(0, message); llSetObjectName(name); } myOwnerSay(string message) { string name = llGetObjectName(); llSetObjectName("Door"); llOwnerSay(message); llSetObjectName(name); } mySoundConfirmed() { if (confirmedSound != "") { llTriggerSound(confirmedSound, 1.0); } } mySoundAccessDenied() { if (accessDeniedSound != "") { llTriggerSound(accessDeniedSound, 1.0); } } myGetDoorParams() { isSetup = FALSE; if (llSubStringIndex(llGetObjectDesc(), "door;") == 0 && llSubStringIndex(llGetObjectName(), "door;") == 0) { list nameWords = llParseString2List(llGetObjectName(), [";"], []); list descWords = llParseString2List(llGetObjectDesc(), [";"], []); if (llGetListLength(nameWords) != 4 || llGetListLength(descWords) != 4) { myOwnerSay("The door prim's name and/or description has invalid syntax and/or number of parameters. Delete the door prim's name and description and setup the door prim again."); } else { openPos = (vector)llList2String(nameWords, 1); openRot = (rotation)llList2String(nameWords, 2); openScale = (vector)llList2String(nameWords, 3); closedPos = (vector)llList2String(descWords, 1); closedRot = (rotation)llList2String(descWords, 2); closedScale = (vector)llList2String(descWords, 3); isSetup = TRUE; } } } mySetDoorParams(vector openPos, rotation openRot, vector openScale, vector closedPos, rotation closedRot, vector closedScale) { llSetObjectName("door;" + (string)openPos + ";" + (string)openRot + ";" + (string)openScale); llSetObjectDesc("door;" + (string)closedPos + ";" + (string)closedRot + ";" + (string)closedScale); isSetup = TRUE; } integer myPermissionCheck(key id) { integer hasPermission = FALSE; if (isLocked == FALSE) { hasPermission = TRUE; } else if (llGetOwnerKey(id) == llGetOwner()) { hasPermission = TRUE; } else if (allowGroupToo == TRUE && llSameGroup(id)) { hasPermission = TRUE; } else if (llListFindList(allowedAgentUUIDs, [(string)id]) != -1) { hasPermission = TRUE; } return hasPermission; } myOpenDoor() { isOpen = FALSE; myToggleDoor(); } myCloseDoor() { isOpen = TRUE; myToggleDoor(); } myToggleDoor() { if (isSetup == FALSE) { myOwnerSay("The door prim has not been configured yet. Please read the usage instructions in the door script."); } else if (llGetLinkNumber() == 0 || llGetLinkNumber() == 1) { myOwnerSay("The door prim must be linked to at least one other prim and the door prim must not be the root prim"); } else { isOpen = !isOpen; if (isOpen) { if (doorBellSound != "") { llTriggerSound(doorBellSound, 1.0); if (avatarName != "") { mySayName(0, avatarName, "is at the door."); avatarName = ""; } } if (doorOpenSound != "") { llTriggerSound(doorOpenSound, 1.0); } llSetPrimitiveParams([ PRIM_POSITION, openPos, PRIM_ROTATION, ZERO_ROTATION * openRot / llGetRootRotation(), PRIM_SIZE, openScale ]); // Door API. llMessageLinked(LINK_SET, 255, "cmd|door|opened", NULL_KEY); } else { if (doorCloseSound != "") { llTriggerSound(doorCloseSound, 1.0); } llSetPrimitiveParams([ PRIM_POSITION, closedPos, PRIM_ROTATION, ZERO_ROTATION * closedRot / llGetRootRotation(), PRIM_SIZE, closedScale ]); // Door API. llMessageLinked(LINK_SET, 255, "cmd|door|closed", NULL_KEY); } llSetTimerEvent(0.0); if (isOpen == TRUE && autoCloseTime != 0.0) { llSetTimerEvent(autoCloseTime); } } } default { state_entry() { listenHandle = llListen(listenChannel, "", NULL_KEY, ""); myGetDoorParams(); } touch_start(integer total_number) { if (myPermissionCheck(llDetectedKey(0)) == TRUE) { avatarName = llDetectedName(0); myToggleDoor(); } else { mySoundAccessDenied(); } } timer() { myCloseDoor(); } link_message(integer sender_num, integer num, string str, key id) { // Door API. The API is here in case you want to create PIN entry keypads or whatever. if (num == llGetLinkNumber()) { if (str == "cmd|door|doOpen") { myOpenDoor(); } else if (str == "cmd|door|doClose") { myCloseDoor(); } } if (str == "cmd|door|discover") { llMessageLinked(LINK_SET, 255, "cmd|door|discovered|" + (string)llGetKey(), id); } } listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message) { // Performance note: it's quicker to compare the strings than to compare permissions each time anyone says anything on this channel. if (message == "open") { if (myPermissionCheck(id) == TRUE) { // Only open the door if the person is quite close to this door. openerKey = id; closerKey = NULL_KEY; avatarName = name; llSensor(name, id, AGENT, 5.0, TWO_PI); } else { mySoundAccessDenied(); } } else if (message == "close") { if (myPermissionCheck(id) == TRUE) { openerKey = NULL_KEY; closerKey = id; avatarName = name; // Only close the door if the person is quite close to this door. llSensor(name, id, AGENT, 5.0, TWO_PI); } else { mySoundAccessDenied(); } } else if (message == "lock") { if (myPermissionCheck(id) == TRUE) { isLocked = TRUE; mySoundConfirmed(); } else { mySoundAccessDenied(); } } else if (message == "unlock") { if (myPermissionCheck(id) == TRUE) { isLocked = FALSE; mySoundConfirmed(); } else { mySoundAccessDenied(); } } else if (message == "/door opened" && llSubStringIndex(llGetObjectName(), "door;") == -1) { if (llGetOwnerKey(id) == llGetOwner()) { mySoundConfirmed(); openPos = llGetLocalPos(); openRot = llGetLocalRot(); openScale = llGetScale(); isOpen = TRUE; if (! (closedPos == ZERO_VECTOR && closedRot == ZERO_ROTATION && closedScale == ZERO_VECTOR)) { mySetDoorParams(openPos, openRot, openScale, closedPos, closedRot, closedScale); } } else { mySoundAccessDenied(); } } else if (message == "/door closed" && llSubStringIndex(llGetObjectDesc(), "door;") == -1) { if (llGetOwnerKey(id) == llGetOwner()) { mySoundConfirmed(); closedPos = llGetLocalPos(); closedRot = llGetLocalRot(); closedScale = llGetScale(); isOpen = FALSE; if (! (openPos == ZERO_VECTOR && openRot == ZERO_ROTATION && openScale == ZERO_VECTOR)) { mySetDoorParams(openPos, openRot, openScale, closedPos, closedRot, closedScale); } } else { mySoundAccessDenied(); } } } sensor(integer num_detected) { if (openerKey != NULL_KEY) { integer i; for (i = 0; i
Timeless Door