Self Sims Teleport


Great for combat sims when you mlandmarks wornt work you you need a quick way to tp to a new location.  This can be used in a HUD.  This was written by Mulligan Silversmith

How to use:

Simply click on hud

Main_menu ( first option when clicked on)
  • Save  ( Save position Option)
  • Go To ( Teleport Options)

Save Options

  • Save 1 ( This will save a first point)
  • Save 2 ( This will save a second point)

Go To

  • Go 1 ( This will teleport you to your first saved point)
  • Go 2 ( This will teleport you to your second saved point)

How it Works:

The way it teleports you is it pushes the objected and when its wear by someone it pushes that person.

It goes throughSmiley Tonguelayers/Buildings/Solid Ground

  • You can change how fast it goes but be warned it could crash you. It also doesn't have a limit on how high it goes.. I setup to 999999 Feet and it worked kinda slow but worked

Known Problems:

  • Setting the "Movement" speed too fast could crash you
  • I wouldn't use on a laggy sims
  • Only works on one sims


    Sims Self Teleport v1.0
integer menuChannel = 5666;             // What Channel the script listens too.
integer FASTGO = TRUE;                  // Used to see if main in fast mode or not
vector position_01;                     // The saved position.
vector position_02;                     // The saved position.

list menu=;             // The main menu when first clicking on hud/object
list Save=;   // Save options
list Go_Too=;     // Teleport options    
list Fast_Go=;      // This enabled or disable the main_menu so you can Teleport faster     

{//The First Position to save on.
    position_01 = llGetPos(); // Get your position there and then

    llOwnerSay("Saving Position 1: "+(string)position_01); // Resays your position


{//The Second Position to save on.
   position_02 = llGetPos(); // Get your position there and then

    llOwnerSay("Saving Position 2: "+(string)position_02);// Resays your position 

}//You can add more by copy/paste. Or ask for help Smiley Happy

{//User function
    do //Do-while loop.
        llPushObject((llGetOwner()),(position_01-llGetPos())*(llVecDist(llGetPos(),position_01)),ZERO_VECTOR,FALSE); //Pushes the avatar to the position.

        llMoveToTarget(position_01,0.05); //If your agent gets close to the avatar it will direct the path.
    while(llVecDist(position_01,llGetPos()) > 40.0); //End of do-while loop
    llMoveToTarget(position_01,0.05); //Movement
    llSleep(0.5); //Prevents you from flying.
    llStopMoveToTarget(); //Stops the movement


{//User function
    do //Do-while loop.
        llPushObject((llGetOwner()),(position_02-llGetPos())*(llVecDist(llGetPos(),position_02)),ZERO_VECTOR,FALSE); //Pushes the avatar to the position.

        llMoveToTarget(position_02,0.05); //If your agent gets close to the avatar it will direct the path.

    while(llVecDist(position_02,llGetPos()) > 40.0); //End of do-while loop

    llMoveToTarget(position_02,0.05); //Movement

    llSleep(0.5); //Prevents you from flying.

    llStopMoveToTarget(); //Stops the movement


        llListen(menuChannel,"",llGetOwner(),""); // To change number this listen too change it up top!
    listen(integer channel,string name,key id,string message)
    if(message == "back")
    {//Takes you back to main menu after going into a second option menu
        llDialog(id,"Main Menu",menu,menuChannel);
    if(message == "Save")
        llDialog(id,"Save Menu",Save,menuChannel); // Opens second Dialog box
    if(message == "FastGo")
        llDialog(id,"Fast Go",Fast_Go,menuChannel); // Opens the Fast Go Options
    if(message == "enable")
        llOwnerSay("Hot Key enabled. Note that save option disabled");
        FASTGO = FALSE;
    if(message == "disable")
        llOwnerSay("Hot Key disabled. Note that save option enabled");

        FASTGO = TRUE;
    if(message == "Go To")
       llDialog(id,"Go Too Menu",Go_Too,menuChannel); // Opens second Dialog box
    if(message == "Save 1")
        Pos_01();//Sends info to function up top
    if(message == "Save 2")
        Pos_02();//Sends info to function up top
    if(message == "Go 1")
        llOwnerSay("Slapping to this point: "+(string)position_01+".");// Says when begin teleported and where

        GO_POS01();//Sends info to function up top
    if(message == "Go 2")
        llOwnerSay("Slapping to this point: "+(string)position_02+".");// Says when begin teleported and where

        GO_POS02();//Sends info to function up top
    touch_start(integer total_number)
            llDialog(llDetectedKey(0),"Main Menu",menu,menuChannel); //When touched ui box will pop up
            llDialog(llDetectedKey(0),"Main Menu",Go_Too,menuChannel); //This loads up if the Fast Option is enabled


    Sims Self Teleport v1.1
    With dialog menu
    Created by: Mulligan Silversmith
    Finished on: Jan 2011
    All Rights Reserved

    This script is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modift it under the terms that you share         this script with other people.

    -You are allowed to use this script in your products however the script may not be sold stand alone under     any circumstance.

    -If you give this script to other people please give the original script with this license.






Pay to Teleport


//Pay 2 Teleport by Haplo Voss
//Greetings! Thanks be to all that helped me along the way with answers to questions!
//Without further ado... here it is!!

//Please pay attention to notes following script!!


vector gTargetPos;
integer cost;
string desc;
string hovertext;
key agent;
key gAvatarID=NULL_KEY;
integer gReturnToStartPos=TRUE;
vector gStartPos;
integer paid = 1;
integer access=0;
integer public_access;
integer origin_access;
float elapsed;
key gID;

warpPos( vector destpos)
{ //R&D by Keknehv Psaltery, 05/25/2006
//Additions by Strife, Talarus Luan
//and final cleanup by Keknehv Psaltery
integer jumps = (integer)(llVecDist(destpos, llGetPos()) / 10.0) + 1;
if (jumps > 100 )
jumps = 100;
list rules = [ PRIM_POSITION, destpos ];
integer count = 1;
while ( ( count = count << 1 ) < jumps)
rules = (rules=[]) + rules + rules;
llSetPrimitiveParams( rules + llList2List( rules, (count - jumps) << 1, count) );


dataserver(key query_id, string desc){
list desc_list = llParseString2List(desc, [";"], []);
gTargetPos = (vector)llList2String(desc_list, 0);
cost = (integer)llList2String(desc_list, 1);
hovertext = llList2String(desc_list, 2) + "\n" +
llList2String(desc_list, 3) + "\n" +
llList2String(desc_list, 4) + "\n" +
llList2String(desc_list, 5) + "\n" +
llList2String(desc_list, 6);
public_access = (integer)llList2String(desc_list, 7);
origin_access = public_access;

money (key id, integer amount){

if (paid < cost && public_access == 0){
llSay(0,"Sorry, but this class costs " + (string)cost + ". Full amount is required before access.");
else if (paid > cost && public_access == 0){
integer refund = paid - cost;
llSay(0,"This class only costs " + (string)cost + "! Refunding you L$" + (string)refund );
llSay(0,"Access Granted!");
gID = id;
public_access = 1;
else if (paid != 0 && origin_access == 1){
integer refund = paid;
llSay(0,"This teleporter is public access!");
llSay(0,"Access Granted!");
public_access = 1;
llSay(0,"Access Granted!");
gID = id;
public_access = 1;



on_rez(integer rez){

llRequestPermissions(llGetOwner(),PERMISSION_DEBIT );
desc = llGetNotecardLine("TPInfo",0);
gStartPos = llGetPos();

touch_start(integer touched){
llSetText(hovertext, <0,1,0>, 1);
if (public_access == 1){llSetSitText("Teleport");}
elapsed = llGetAndResetTime();
touch(integer num_detected) {
if (llDetectedKey(0) == llGetOwner()){
elapsed = llGetTime();
if (elapsed > 2.0) {
llOwnerSay("Description has changed - resetting script");

touch_end(integer num_detected)


changed(integer change){
if(change & CHANGED_LINK)
gAvatarID = llAvatarOnSitTarget();
if(public_access == 0){llSetSitText("\n");llUnSit(gAvatarID);}
if(gAvatarID != NULL_KEY & public_access == 1 & gID == gAvatarID) {

if (gReturnToStartPos) {
if(origin_access == 0){llSetSitText("\n");public_access = 0;}
if(origin_access == 1){llSetSitText("Teleport");}


//As you can see in the script, you will need to create a notecard called "TPInfo" (no quotes). It must contain the following information, IN THE FOLLOING ORDER.

//;price to charge;text line1;line2;line3;line4;line5;public access switch


//<1 ,2,3>;100;WELCOME!;Right Click And;Pay L$100 to;Teleport to Island!; ; ;0

//vector = <1 ,2,3>
//price = 100
//text =
//Right Click And
//Pay L$100 to
//Teleport to Island!


Updated Sim to Sim Pseudo Teleporter


An update to: Sheena Desade's Sim-to-Sim Teleporter Script and Notecard (was v3.1). Includes dynamic smart menu and instant teleportation (no confirmation required) via chat link. Missing sanity checks, so format things correctly! Public domain (open-source) since April 10, 2012.
Modified by: Donjr Spiegelblatt  (May 17, 2012)
add support for:
   multi-users of the menu system at the same time
   Cancel button when only one menu is used
   support for comment lines in Data starting with # character
new features:
   PrettyButton  layout of the buttons in dialogs
   combined placeNames, simNames and locationVectors  into a two strided list called places

// Script Name: Sim-to-Sim_Pseudo-Teleporter_v41.lsl
// Author: donjr Spiegelblatt
// An update to: Sheena Desade's Sim-to-Sim Teleporter Script and Notecard (was v3.1). Includes dynamic smart menu and instant teleportation (no confirmation required) via chat link. Missing sanity checks, so format things correctly! Public domain (open-source) since April 10, 2012.
//This is an update of the original script from

// Downloaded from :

// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it.
// Additional Licenes may apply that prevent you from selling this code
// You must leave any author credits and any headers intact in any script you use or publish.
// If you don't like these restrictions and licenses, then don't use these scripts.
//////////////////////// ORIGINAL AUTHORS CODE BEGINS ////////////////////////////////////////////

// modified by: Donjr Spiegelblatt  (May 17, 2012)
//add support for:
//   multi-users of the menu system at the same time
//   Cancel button when only one menu is used
//   suppot for comment lines in Data starting with # character
//new features:
//   PrettyButton  layout of the buttons in dialogs
//   combined placeNames, simNames and locationVectors  into a two strided list called places

// Modified to use SLURs by Ferd Frederix 6-7-2013
// modified by: Donjr Spiegelblatt  (May 17, 2012)
//add support for:
//   multi-users of the menu system at the same time
//   Cancel button when only one menu is used
//   suppot for comment lines in Data starting with # character
//new features:
//   PrettyButton  layout of the buttons in dialogs
//   combined placeNames, simNames and locationVectors  into a two strided list called places
// Script Name: Sim-to-Sim_Pseudo-Teleporter_v31.lsl
// Sheena Desade's Sim-to-Sim Teleporter Script and Notecard (v3.1).
// Includes dynamic smart menu and instant teleportation (no confirmation required) via chat link.
// Missing sanity checks, so format things correctly!
// Public domain (open-source) since April 10, 2012.

This script was made April 10, 2012 by Sheena Desade. It is meant only to be redistributed freely
(not ever to be sold)! Leave this header intact; other than those two requirements, do what you
will with it. And if you make an improvement, feel free to send me a copy. :-)

/* *********************************
modified by: Donjr Spiegelblatt  (May 17, 2012)
add support for:
   multi-users of the menu system at the same time
   Cancel button when only one menu is used
   suppot for comment lines in Data starting with # character
new features:
   PrettyButton  layout of the buttons in dialogs
   combined placeNames, simNames and locationVectors  into a two strided list called places
********************************** */

// Modded by Ferd Frederix on 5-30-2013 to run in OpenSim

// ******** OPTIONAL SETTINGS **********
string hoverText    = "Sim-to-Sim Pseudo Teleporter - click for destinations.";
integer menuWait    = 30;       // How long to wait for the user to pick a menu choice
integer menuChannel = -14469;   // what channel for the object to 'listen' on.
                                // You can change this channel as needed,
                                // it's not calling out to an object outside of itself.
string menuText = "Please select your destination:";
string itemDataNotecard = "Data";
                                // The name of the notecard to read from
// ******** END OF OPTIONAL SETTINGS **********

// ******** SYSTEM SETTINGS - DO NOT MODIFY **********
// General variables
list menu_users = [];           // strided list of menu users
// [
// integer MENU_user    = 0;       // key of this menu user, unique one entry per user
integer MENU_handle  = 1;       // listen handle of this users llListen
integer MENU_timeout = 2;       // creation time of this dialog
integer MENU_curList = 3;       // the current page for this user
// ];
integer MENU_stride  = 4;       // Length of one strided of this list

// The following are required to read the notecard properly
integer notecardLine   = 0;
key currentDataRequest = NULL_KEY;
key notecarduuid       = NULL_KEY;

integer length;             // How many menu pages we have
list places;                // strided list of Placename and Sim/position

string BLANK  = " ";        // used for filler space(s) in dialogs

string Prev   = "<< Prev ";
string Cancel = "Cancel ";
string Next   = "Next >> ";
list Navigate ;     // the full navagation functions
// ******** END OF SYSTEM SETTINGS and Globals **********

list PrettyButtons(list options, list utilitybuttons)   // from SchmoDialog
    // returns a list formatted to that "options" will start in the top left of a dialog,
    // and "utilitybuttons" will start in the bottom right
    list spacers;
    list combined = options + utilitybuttons;
    while (llGetListLength(combined) % 3 != 0 && llGetListLength(combined) <12)
        spacers += [BLANK];
        combined = options + spacers + utilitybuttons;

    return llList2List(combined, 9, 11)
         + llList2List(combined, 6,  8)
         + llList2List(combined, 3,  5)
         + llList2List(combined, 0,  2);

advancedMenu(key user, integer curList)
    integer StartTimer = (menu_users == []);       // check if the timer needs starting
    integer p = llListFindList(menu_users,[user]);
    if(~p)      // update the returning user's "creation time and curList"
        menu_users = llListReplaceList( menu_users, [llGetUnixTime(), curList], p + MENU_timeout, p+MENU_curList);
    else if(llGetListLength(menu_users) > 63)    // make sure a listen is aviable
        llInstantMessage(user, "Please try again later the system is currently full!");
    else        // first time menu user open there listen and create there entry
        menu_users += [user, llListen(menuChannel,"",user,""),llGetUnixTime(), curList];

    list buttons = llList2ListStrided(places,0,-1,2);   // make a list of only Places
    list utility = [Cancel];          // user should always have a Cancel option
    if (length > 1)
        // We have more than one page of places.
        p = 9 * curList; // Figures out the start of the subsection of places to display
        buttons = llList2List(buttons, p, p+8);     // 'buttons' now has one to nine places
        utility = Navigate;         // give full navigation buttons
    buttons = PrettyButtons(buttons, utility);
    // the 'buttons' list also now has other options besides our Places
    // and the 'utility' button(s) are always on the bottom row.

    llDialog(user,menuText,buttons,menuChannel);  // Sends a dialog to the user with the new improved button list
        llSetTimerEvent(5.0); // how often to check for possible timeouts, low number here would just waste processor time

remove(integer index, string message)
    // Close this users Listen
    llListenRemove(llList2Integer(menu_users, index+MENU_handle));
    // Instant message the message to the user
    llInstantMessage(llList2Key(menu_users, index), message);
    // delete there menu_users entry
    menu_users = llDeleteSubList(menu_users, index, index+MENU_stride-1);
    if(menu_users == [])        // if there are no current users
        llSetTimerEvent(0.0);       // stop the timer

    on_rez(integer param)
        llResetScript(); // Resets script on rez
        Navigate = [ Prev, Cancel, Next ];     // the full navagation functions
        llOwnerSay("Reading item data...");
        // we start reading the notecard at line 0, the first line specify our initial request
        if(llGetInventoryType(itemDataNotecard) == INVENTORY_NOTECARD)
            currentDataRequest = llGetNotecardLine(itemDataNotecard,notecardLine);
            state configured;            // Handle the condition of no Data notecard
    dataserver(key query, string data)
        if (query == currentDataRequest) // if we are trying to read the notecard
            currentDataRequest = NULL_KEY; // Prevent a bug that occurs with dataserver events.
            if (data == EOF) // If it the end of the file
                     // Define how many pages of entries we have in the places list
                length = llGetListLength(places) / 2;
                if(length <12)
                    length = 1;
                    length = length / 9 + 1;
                llOwnerSay ("Done reading data.");
                state configured;
                // **** IMPORTANT: I did not put any sanity checks in here, so you'll need to type
                // it all correctly, in the format "Store Name | Sim Name @ x/y/z" or it will not
                // work correctly! ****
                data = llStringTrim(data, STRING_TRIM);    // remove pesky leading and trailing whitespace
                if(llGetSubString(data,0,0) != "#" && data != "")         // lines starting with # are comments
                         // We're looking for the | and @ symbol in our data line
                    list psv = llParseString2List(data,["|","@"],[]);
                    if(llGetListLength(psv) == 3) // If we found them
                            // note: Appending the BLANK make Ignore not a key word
                        string place = llStringTrim(llList2String(psv,0), STRING_TRIM)+BLANK;
                            // make sure it NOT a BLANK or one of the navigation entries
                        if(llListFindList(Navigate+[BLANK], [place]) == -1)   // these we don't want
                            string sim = llDumpList2String(llParseString2List(llStringTrim(llList2String(psv,1), STRING_TRIM), [" "], [""]), "%20");
                            // into sim erasing all internal spaces and replacing them with %20... there might be a better way to do this

                                // Generate a new temp record entry
                            list tmp = [place, sim+"/"+llStringTrim(llList2String(psv,2), STRING_TRIM)];

                            //  update entry matching on 'place' or append new entry to end of list
                            integer x = llListFindList(llList2ListStrided(places+tmp,0,-1,2),[place])*2;
                            places = llListReplaceList(places, tmp, x, x+1);

                            // We put it here so that it will not add the location unless there are also sim and placeNames.
                            // (donjr) No you put it here as you don't have all the info until this point
                        integer s = llSubStringIndex(data, "="); // Now we are looking for the = symbol
                        if(~s) // if we find it
                            string token = llToLower(llStringTrim(llDeleteSubString(data, s, -1), STRING_TRIM));
                            // use our tokens to determine which variable we are defining
                            data = llStringTrim(llDeleteSubString(data, 0, s), STRING_TRIM);
                            // use our data to define our chosen variable
                            if (token == "hover_text")
                                hoverText = data;
                            else if (token == "menu_text")
                                menuText = data;
                            else if (token == "menu_channel")
                                menuChannel = (integer)data;
                            else if (token == "selection_wait_time")
                                menuWait = (integer)data;
                // Get the next line
                currentDataRequest = llGetNotecardLine(itemDataNotecard, ++notecardLine);


state configured
    on_rez(integer param)
        llResetScript(); // Resets script on rez

            // collects our notecarduuid as soon as we enter this state
        notecarduuid = llGetInventoryKey(itemDataNotecard);
        if (hoverText != "none")
            llSetText(hoverText, <1.0,1.0,1.0>, 1); // if you want hovertext
            llSetText("", <1 .0, 1.0, 1.0>, 0); // if you do not want hovertext
        llWhisper(0, "Ready and waiting.");
    changed(integer change)        
        // We want to reload the Data notecard if it changed
        if (change & CHANGED_INVENTORY)
            if(notecarduuid != llGetInventoryKey(itemDataNotecard)) // If the change was triggered by saving the NC
                llOwnerSay("Notecard change detected, resetting script.");
                llResetScript(); // resets the script

        integer dietime = llGetUnixTime() - menuWait;
        // moving backward through the list/array
        // allows us to delete records without messing up the index.
        integer index = llGetListLength(menu_users);
            index -= MENU_stride;
            if(llList2Integer(menu_users, index+MENU_timeout) 


Sim to Sim Pseudo Teleporter


Sheena Desade's Sim-to-Sim Teleporter Script and Notecard (v3.1). Includes dynamic smart menu and instant teleportation (no confirmation required) via chat link. Missing sanity checks, so format things correctly! Public domain (open-source) since April 10, 2012.

See for an updated version by Donjr Spiegelblatt

This is Sheena Desade's Sim-to-Sim Teleporter Script (v3.1). 

Smart Menu - seamlessly cycles, rearranges buttons in a logical order.
Dynamic List Parsing - never worry about breaking the script by adding or removing a location.
Instant Teleportation (no confirmation required!) via chat link (visit for more nifty links you can add to your own products).
Add as many locations as the script's memory can hold!

Sanity checks! Format things correctly, or it will break.
Private chat - this says everything on channel zero for everyone to hear (does not use llRegionSayTo).
Annoying notecard configuration.
The sim/place names/location vectors lists could have been combined into one to save a little more memory.

'Data' notecard: 

Hover_Text = Multi-Region Pseudo Teleporter: Click for Destinations
Menu_Text = Please select your destination:
Menu_Channel = 4765
Selection_Wait_Time = 30.0
Niamhinations! | Windlesham @ 207/580/133

(template for the locations: Company Name | Region Name @ location x/location y/location z)

// Script Name: Sim-to-Sim_Pseudo-Teleporter_v31.lsl
// Author: Sheena Desade
// Sheena Desade's Sim-to-Sim Teleporter Script and Notecard (v3.1). Includes dynamic smart menu and instant teleportation (no confirmation required) via chat link. Missing sanity checks, so format things correctly! Public domain (open-source) since April 10, 2012.
//See for an updated version by Donjr Spiegelblatt

// Downloaded from :

// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it.
// Additional Licenes may apply that prevent you from selling this code
// You must leave any author credits and any headers intact in any script you use or publish.
// If you don't like these restrictions and licenses, then don't use these scripts.
//////////////////////// ORIGINAL AUTHORS CODE BEGINS ////////////////////////////////////////////

// This is Sheena Desade's Sim-to-Sim Teleporter Script (v3.1). 
//Smart Menu - seamlessly cycles, rearranges buttons in a logical order.
//Dynamic List Parsing - never worry about breaking the script by adding or removing a location.
//Instant Teleportation (no confirmation required!) via chat link (visit for more nifty links you can add to your own products).
//Add as many locations as the script's memory can hold!
//Sanity checks! Format things correctly, or it will break.
//Private chat - this says everything on channel zero for everyone to hear (does not use llRegionSayTo).
//Annoying notecard configuration.
//The sim/place names/location vectors lists could have been combined into one to save a little more memory.
//'Data' notecard: 
//Hover_Text = Multi-Region Pseudo Teleporter: Click for Destinations
//Menu_Text = Please select your destination:
//Menu_Channel = 4765
//Selection_Wait_Time = 30.0
//Niamhinations! | Windlesham @ 207/580/133
//(template for the locations: Company Name | Region Name @ location x/location y/location z)
This script was made April 10, 2012 by Sheena Desade. It is meant only to be redistributed freely (not ever to be sold)! Leave this header intact; other than those two requirements, do what you will with it. And if you make an improvement, feel free to send me a copy. :-)

// ******** OPTIONAL SETTINGS **********
string hoverText = "Sim-to-Sim Pseudo Teleporter - click for destinations.";
float menuWait = 30.0;          // How long to wait for the user to pick a menu choice
integer menuChannel = 0;        // what channel for the object to 'listen' on. You can change this channel as needed, 
                                // it's not calling out to an object outside of itself. 
string menuText = "Please select your destination:";
string itemDataNotecard = "Data";
                                // The name of the notecard to read from
// ******** END OF OPTIONAL SETTINGS **********

// ******** SYSTEM SETTINGS - DO NOT MODIFY **********

// General variables
integer menu_handler;        // what the function that brings up the menu is called
integer loc = -1;            // -1 = none chosen; 0 = first location, etc.
integer length;              // How long the placeNames list is, which we base everything else off of
integer curList = 1;         // The current list number we're on
key curUser = NULL_KEY;      // The current user's key

// The following are required to read the notecard properly
integer notecardLine;
key currentDataRequest;
key notecarduuid;  

// These are the lists that hold all of our information
list simNames;               // The sim names of the places to teleport to
list placeNames;             // The region names of the places to teleport to
list locationVectors;        // The position to teleport to
// ******** END OF SYSTEM SETTINGS **********

init() // Setup the dataserver event for future use
    llOwnerSay("Reading item data...");
    notecardLine = 0; // we start reading the notecard at line 0, the first line
    currentDataRequest = llGetNotecardLine(itemDataNotecard, notecardLine); // specify our initial request

advancedMenu(key user, string text, integer channel)
    menu_handler = llListen(menuChannel,"","",""); // Lets the object 'hear' the option you choose
    if (length <= 12) llDialog(user,text,placeNames,channel); // Brings up a simple dialog if you have 12 or less options.
    else // If we have more than 12 options, create a multi-page dialog
        list buttons; // Makes a list called 'buttons' that we will use later
        if (curList >= 1) // If we are not on page 0 (shouldn't be possible)
            integer temp = (9*curList)-1; // Figures out which locations to display as buttons
            buttons = llList2List(placeNames, temp-8, temp); // the 'buttons' list now has nine locations
            // (List2List starts at 0, so we count 0 as 1)
            buttons = llListInsertList(buttons, ["<< Prev", "Cancel", "Next >>"], temp+1); 
            // the 'buttons' list also now has three other options besides our nine locations
            // (ListInsertList does NOT start at 0. It starts at 1.)
        buttons = 
          llList2List(buttons, -3, -1)
        + llList2List(buttons, -6, -4)
        + llList2List(buttons, -9, -7)
        + llList2List(buttons, -12, -10);  // Puts our buttons in the logical order, instead of the default reversed one
        llDialog(user,text,buttons,channel);  // Sends a dialog to the user with the new improved button list

    on_rez(integer param)
        llResetScript(); // Resets script on rez
        notecarduuid = llGetInventoryKey(itemDataNotecard); // collects our notecarduuid as soon as we enter this state
        init(); // runs our init function to use with our dataserver function
    dataserver(key query, string data) 
        if (query == currentDataRequest) // if we are trying to read the notecard
            currentDataRequest = ""; // Prevent a bug that occurs with dataserver events.
            if (data != EOF) // If it isn't the end of the file
            // **** IMPORTANT: I did not put any sanity checks in here, so you'll need to type
            // it all correctly, in the format "Store Name | Sim Name @ x/y/z" or it will not
            // work correctly! ****
                integer s = llSubStringIndex(data, "@"); // We're looking for the @ symbol in our NC line
                if(~s) // If we find it
                    string data1 = llStringTrim(llDeleteSubString(data, s, -1), STRING_TRIM);
                    // this line cuts out and saves everything before the @ symbol to use for the next index
                    string data4 = llStringTrim(llDeleteSubString(data, 0, s), STRING_TRIM);
                    // this line erases the @ symbol and temporarily saves the location into a seperate string
                    integer s = llSubStringIndex(data1, "|"); // Now we're looking for the pipe symbol in only the 
                    // 'data1' variable defined when we were parsing for the @ symbol
                    if(~s) // If we find it (which we should, but we will check later to make sure our lists are
                    // the same length, anyway)
                        string data2 = llDumpList2String(llParseString2List(llStringTrim(llDeleteSubString(data1, 0, s), STRING_TRIM), [" "], [""]), "%20");
                        // Saves the first part in a temp string, erasing all spaces and replacing them with %20... there might be a better way to do this
                        string data3 = llStringTrim(llDeleteSubString(data1, s, -1), STRING_TRIM);
                        // Saves the second part in a temp string
                        simNames += [data2];
                        // copies the temporary string data2 into our simNames list. Could probably combine the two 
                        // commands as with locationVectors.
                        placeNames += [data3];
                        // copies the temporary string data3 into our placeNames list. Could probably combine the 
                        // two commands, as with locationVectors and simNames.
                        locationVectors += [data4];
                        // this line copies the temporary string into our locationVectors list. We put it here so that it
                        // will not add the locationVector unless there are also sim and placeNames.
                    integer s = llSubStringIndex(data, "="); // Now we are looking for the = symbol
                    if(~s) // if we find it
                        string token = llToLower(llStringTrim(llDeleteSubString(data, s, -1), STRING_TRIM));
                        // use our tokens to determine which variable we are defining
                        data = llStringTrim(llDeleteSubString(data, 0, s), STRING_TRIM);
                        // use our data to define our chosen variable
                        if (token == "hover_text")
                            hoverText = data;
                        else if (token == "menu_text")
                            menuText = data;
                        else if (token == "menu_channel")
                            menuChannel = (integer)data;
                        else if (token == "selection_wait_time")
                            menuWait = (float)data;
                // Get the next line
                currentDataRequest = llGetNotecardLine(itemDataNotecard, notecardLine);
            else // If it is the End of File
                length = llGetListLength(placeNames); // Defines how many entries we have in the placeNames list
                llOwnerSay ("Done reading data.");
                state configured;

state configured
       if (hoverText != "none") llSetText(hoverText, <1 .0,1.0,1.0>, 1); // if you want hovertext
       if (hoverText == "none") llSetText("---", <1 .0, 1.0, 1.0>, 0); // if you do not want hovertext
       llWhisper(0, "Ready and waiting.");
       loc = -1; // Resets the location to none
    changed(integer change)         
        // We want to reload channel notecard if it changed
        if (change & CHANGED_INVENTORY)
            if(notecarduuid != llGetInventoryKey(itemDataNotecard)) // If the change was triggered by saving the NC
                llOwnerSay("Notecard change detected, resetting script.");
                llResetScript(); // resets the script

        llListenRemove(menu_handler); // remove the listen event
        llInstantMessage(curUser, "Menu session timed out; choices automatically reset.");
        llSetTimerEvent(0.0); // removes the timer event, as it's not needed at the moment
        curList = 1; // reset our page to page one
        loc = -1; // set our location to none
        curUser = NULL_KEY; // resets the user to none
    touch_start(integer total_number)
        if(curUser == NULL_KEY || curUser == llDetectedKey(0)) // if there is no user or the toucher is the 
        // current user
                curUser = llDetectedKey(0); // records the key of the curent user
                advancedMenu(curUser, menuText, menuChannel); // Sends the user our dialog box
                llSetTimerEvent(menuWait); // Sets our timer event so the menu will time out
        if(curUser != NULL_KEY && curUser != llDetectedKey(0)) // If the toucher is not the current user
            llInstantMessage(llDetectedKey(0), "Sorry, this terminal is in use. Please wait your turn.");
    listen(integer channel,string name,key id,string message) 
    //this is for the script to follow instructions based on what happens with the menu.
        if(message == "<< Prev")
            if(curList <= 1) // If we're on the first page
                curList = llCeil((float)length/9); // the current page needs to be changed to the last page, since
                // we're cycling backwards. We do this by rounding up (to cover any remainders) the length variable
                // (how many options we have total) divided by nine (since that's the number of buttons we need). 4.000 
                // will always round up to 4 (I think?).
                advancedMenu(curUser, menuText, menuChannel); // Give them our menu dialog
                llSetTimerEvent(menuWait); // how long until the menu times out?
            else // If we're not on page one
                curList--; // Go backwards a page
                advancedMenu(curUser, menuText, menuChannel); // Give them our menu dialog
                llSetTimerEvent(menuWait); // how long until the menu times out?
        else if(message == "Next >>")
            if(curList*9 >= length) // if we have cycled through all options in our list
                curList = 1; // go to page one
                advancedMenu(curUser, menuText, menuChannel); // Give the user our dialog menu
                llSetTimerEvent(menuWait); // how long until the menu times out?
                curList++; // go to the next page
                advancedMenu(curUser, menuText, menuChannel);  // Give the user our dialog menu
                llSetTimerEvent(menuWait); // how long until the menu times out?
        else if(message == "Cancel")
            llInstantMessage(curUser, "Teleport cancelled.");
            curUser = NULL_KEY; // Erase the current user
            curList = 1; // Put our page back on the first page
            llListenRemove(menu_handler); // remove our listen event
            llSetTimerEvent(0.0); //removes the timer event, as it's not needed at the moment
            loc = llListFindList(placeNames, (list)message); // determine which location we are teleporting to
            if(loc >= 0) // if it's an actual location
                if (hoverText != "none") llSetText("Click the link to teleport", <1 .0,1.0,1.0>, 1); 
                // if you want hovertext
                llInstantMessage(curUser, "Click this link to teleport to your target location - " + "secondlife:///app/teleport/" + llList2String(simNames, loc) + "/" + llList2String(locationVectors, loc)); // Give them the link to click
                llSetTimerEvent(0.0); // removes the timer event, as it's not needed at the moment
                curUser = NULL_KEY; // resets our user so others can use the teleporter
                loc = -1; // reset our location to none
                curList = 1; // reset our page to one
                if (hoverText != "none") llSetText(hoverText, <1 .0,1.0,1.0>, 1); 