Menu driven Texture Changer


by Jessica Margetts

// Here is a menu based texture changing script, that has no limits on the number of pages textures it can support.

// PLEASE remember that textures MUST HAVE full permissions in order to be used with it.

integer         PAGES;
integer         PAGE            = 1;
integer         COM_CHAN        = -278976;
integer         LISTENER;
integer         NEEDED_PERMS;

list            THIS_PAGE;
list            LIST_NAV_X      = ;
list            LIST_NAV_A      = ;
list            LIST_NAV_B      = ;
list            LIST_NAV_C      = ;

string          PAGE_NAV_NULL   = "    ";
string          PAGE_NAV_NEXT   = "NEXT";
string          PAGE_NAV_BACK   = "BACK";
string          PAGE_NAV_HOME   = "HOME";

integer ptTestPerms(string item, integer needed)
    integer perm = llGetInventoryPermMask(item, MASK_OWNER);
    if ((perm & needed) == needed) { return(TRUE); }

ptDisplayPage(key theUser) {
    integer     TEXTURES    = llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_TYPE);
    integer     I;
    integer     START;
    integer     STOP;
    string      INTRO       = "Page " + (string) PAGE + " of " + (string) PAGES;
    string      NEW_LINE;
    string      ITEM_NAME;
    string      T;
    list        MENU;
    if (TEXTURES >= 1) {
        PAGES       = 1 + (llFloor((float) TEXTURES / 9.0));
        INTRO       = "Page " + (string) PAGE + " of " + (string) PAGES;
        if (TEXTURES <= 9) {
            MENU = [] + LIST_NAV_X;
            for (I = 0; I < TEXTURES; ++I)
                T           = (string) (I + 1);
                ITEM_NAME   = llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_TYPE, I);
                if (ptTestPerms(ITEM_NAME, NEEDED_PERMS)) {                
                    NEW_LINE    = "\n" + T + "- " + ITEM_NAME;
                    INTRO       = "" + INTRO + NEW_LINE;
                    MENU        = [] + MENU + ;
                } else {
                    NEW_LINE    = "\n" + T + "- ~BLOCKED ~";
                    INTRO       = "" + INTRO + NEW_LINE;
                    MENU        = [] + MENU + ;
        } else {
            if ((PAGE == 1) || (PAGE > PAGES)) {
                PAGE = 1;
                MENU = [] + LIST_NAV_A;
            } else if ((PAGE == PAGES) || (PAGE <1)) {
                MENU = [] + LIST_NAV_C;
            } else {
                MENU = [] + LIST_NAV_B;
            START       = ((PAGE - 1) * 9);
            STOP        = (PAGE * 9);
            if (STOP > TEXTURES) { STOP = TEXTURES - 1; }
            INTRO       = "Page " + (string) PAGE + " of " + (string) PAGES;
            for (I = START; I 


Texture Change Menu


//Drop this script into an object with up to 22 textures inside.

//When anyone Touches they will get a menu with all the textures available. Button names in menu will be first 10 characters from that item's name. 

//NOTE: Texture Names may not exceed 24 characters or script error and menu fails.

integer side = ALL_SIDES; //ALL_SIDES or any face number 0 through 5

list texture_list;
list texture_list2;
key user = NULL_KEY;

    integer currenttexture = 0;
    integer totaltextures = llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_TEXTURE);
    if(totaltextures > 0 & totaltextures <= 12)
        texture_list = [];
            texture_list = texture_list + llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_TEXTURE, currenttexture);
        while (currenttexture > 0 & currenttexture  12 & totaltextures <= 22)
        texture_list = ["Next Page"];
            texture_list = texture_list + llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_TEXTURE, currenttexture);
        while (currenttexture > 0 & currenttexture <11);
        texture_list2 = ["Last Page"];
            texture_list2 = texture_list2 + llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_TEXTURE, currenttexture);
        while (currenttexture >= 11 & currenttexture  22)
        llWhisper(0, "You may only have a maximimum of 22 Textures. Please remove any extra ones.");
    if(totaltextures == 0)
        llWhisper(0, "Please add up to 22 Textures inside this object.");

//The Menu
integer menu_handler;
integer menu_channel;
menu(key user,string title,list texture_list)
    menu_channel = (integer)(llFrand(99999.0) * -1); //random channel
    menu_handler = llListen(menu_channel,"","","");
    llSetTimerEvent(30.0); //menu channel open for 30 seconds

        composelist(); //make list from inventory textures

    touch_start(integer total_number)
        user = llDetectedKey(0);
        menu(user,"nnPlease select one below.",texture_list);
    listen(integer channel,string name,key id,string message)
        if (channel == menu_channel)
            if(message == "Next Page")
                menu(user,"nnPlease select one below.",texture_list2);
            else if(message == "Last Page")
                menu(user,"nnPlease select one below.",texture_list);
                llSetTexture(message, side);
    timer() //Close the Menu Listen or we'll get laggy
    changed(integer change) 
        if (change & CHANGED_INVENTORY) //inventory has changed
            composelist(); //rebuild the list


Dialog Texture Changer


// Script to present a dialog populated with a list of textures
// either from the prims inventory or specified by UUID in a notecard.
// Notecard lines have the form:
//    Texture Name=UUID
// Note that only the first 24 characters of the texture names
// are actually used - as only 24 chars can be placed in a dialog
// button.  This means that if two textures have the first 24 chars
// the same, the second will be ignored ...
// Note however that usually, buttons don't display more than, say,
// around 10 or so characters anyway!!
// There are two methods of setting textures - one (gSetTexture = TRUE)
// allows you to use UUIDs, etc, but the other (gSetTexture = FALSE)
// will allow you to specify the rotation and offset values.
// There is also an option to just use the values from the texture already
// on the face (but this won't work for ALL_SIDES).
// Both allow you to set the face.
// Kimm Paulino
// Feb 2012
// Controls how the script operates:
integer gReshow = FALSE;
integer gSetTexture = FALSE;               // Use SetTexture method (needed for textures not in the prim inventory)
integer gNotecards = TRUE;               // Get textures to use from a notecard not inventory
integer gPreserveTextures = FALSE;      // Read offset/rotation values from existing texture
// configures how textures appear
integer gFace = 1;
vector  gRepeats = <1 .0, 1.0, 1.0>;
vector  gOffsets = <1 .0, 1.0, 1.0>;
float     gRotationInDegrees = 0.0;
// Do not change anything below this line (unless you know what you are doing)
integer gDebug = FALSE;
integer gMenuPage;
integer gNumTextures;
list gTextures;
list gTextureUUIDs;
string gNotecardName;
integer gNotecardLine = 0;
key gQueryID;
integer gListenChannel;
integer gListenHandle;
float     gListenTimer;
float     LISTEN_TIMEOUT=300.0;
string MENU_NEXT="Next>";
string MENU_TOP="Top";
string MENU_BACK="= num_pages)
        // gMenuPage is an index starting at 0...
        // max is a 1...
        gMenuPage = num_pages-1;
    // Max buttons on a dialog is 12, so if more than that, then need to 
    // include special next/back button handling
    integer first_texture = 0;
    integer last_texture = gNumTextures-1;
    if (gNumTextures > 12)
        // Note: This yields notecards counting as follows:
        // 0 to 8 = first page,
        // 9 to 17 = next page, etc
        first_texture = gMenuPage * 9;
        last_texture = first_texture + 9 - 1;
        if (last_texture >= gNumTextures)
            // recall last_texture indexed from 0, but
            // gNumTextures is indexed from 1
            last_texture = gNumTextures-1;
        if (gMenuPage > 0)
            buttons += [MENU_BACK];
            buttons += [MENU_SPACE];
        if (gMenuPage == 0)
            buttons += [MENU_SPACE];
            buttons += [MENU_TOP];
        // If not on the last page, and there are more pages to come ...
        if (gNumTextures > 9 && gMenuPage <(num_pages-1))
            buttons += [MENU_NEXT];
            buttons += [MENU_SPACE];
    integer i;
    for (i=first_texture; (i <= last_texture) && (i < gNumTextures); i++)
        buttons += [llList2String (gTextures, i)];
    do_dialog (id, "\n\n(click \"Ignore\" when done)", buttons);
do_dialog (key id, string msg, list buttons)
    llListenRemove (gListenHandle);
    gListenChannel = getRandomChannel();
    gListenHandle = llListen (gListenChannel, "", id, "");
    llSetTimerEvent (LISTEN_TIMEOUT);
    llDialog (id, msg, buttons, gListenChannel);
    on_rez (integer start_param)
        if (read_textures_from_inventory())
            // We have textures in the inventory and have read them
            gNotecards = FALSE;
        else if (read_textures_from_notecards())
            // We have textures read in from a notecard by UUID
            // (or will have pretty soon)
            gNotecards = TRUE;
            llOwnerSay ("Note: There are no textures or notecards in this prim ...");
        gMenuPage = 0;
    touch_start(integer total_number)
        // Start menu system again. Note that I don't do anything special
        // with several people trying to touch it at the same time - it will
        // always overlap the processing of gMenuPage, but all that will
        // happen is that peoples next/back might be a bit quirky for a while.
        // Eventually, they will sort themselves out!
        gMenuPage = 0;
        show_dialog (llDetectedKey(0));
    listen (integer channel, string name, key id, string msg)
        if (channel == gListenChannel)
            if (msg == MENU_BACK)
                show_dialog (id);
            else if (msg == MENU_TOP)
                gMenuPage = 0;
                show_dialog (id);
            else if (msg == MENU_NEXT)
                show_dialog (id);
                // should be something in the inventory to give out
                apply_texture (msg);
                // reshow the dialog
                if (gReshow)
    timer ()
        // First see if we are timing out on a listen event
        if (gListenHandle != 0)
            // Remove the old listen
            llListenRemove (gListenHandle);
            gListenHandle = 0;
            gListenChannel = 0;
    dataserver(key query_id, string line)
        if (query_id == gQueryID)
            if (line != EOF)
                if (llSubStringIndex (line, "=") != 0)
                    list vals = llParseString2List (line, ["="], []);
                    // Only store the first 24 characters of the name as this is all we can
                    // show in a dialog anyway
                    string texture = llList2String (vals, 0);
                    string uuid = llList2Key (vals, 1);
                    gTextures += [llGetSubString (texture, 0, 23)];
                    gTextureUUIDs += uuid;
                    doDebug ("Adding: " + texture + " ("+uuid+")");
                // Now get the next line
                gQueryID = llGetNotecardLine(gNotecardName, gNotecardLine);
                gNumTextures = llGetListLength (gTextures);
                doDebug ("Found " + (string)gNumTextures + " textures.");
    changed (integer change)
        if (change & CHANGED_INVENTORY)


Single Prim Texture Changer


// Texture changer.  Will cycle through all textures
// in the prims inventory.
// Kimm Paulino
// Written for Bebelou Naidoo, April 2010
float TIMER_PERIOD = 5.0; // in seconds.
integer RANDOM = 1;     // 0 = sequential, 1 = random
// globals
integer gNumTextures;
integer gLastTexture;
    on_rez (integer n)
        gLastTexture = 0;
        gNumTextures = llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_TEXTURE);
        integer nextTexture;
        if (RANDOM)
            // Randomly choose one
            nextTexture = (integer)llFrand (gNumTextures);
            // Move on from the last one
            gLastTexture ++;
            if (gLastTexture > gNumTextures)
                gLastTexture = 0;
            nextTexture = gLastTexture;
        string texture = llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_TEXTURE, nextTexture);
        if (texture != "")
            llSetTexture(texture, ALL_SIDES);
    changed (integer change)
        if (change & CHANGED_INVENTORY)