// Bromley College
// Linden Script Exhibition
// Code for poster 35
integer count;
vector startPosition;
float groundLevel;
llSetTimerEvent( 0 ); //disable timer
startPosition = llGetPos();
groundLevel = llGround( startPosition );
touch_start(integer total_number) //wait for an avatar to touch chair
llSay(0, "Respond to the dialog box and then sit on the chair. Once sat touch the chair again");
llRequestPermissions(llDetectedKey(0), PERMISSION_TAKE_CONTROLS); //ask permission to take control of the agent's keys.
state new;
state new
touch_start(integer total_number)
count == 0; // zero count
llSetTimerEvent( 1 ); //enable one second timer event
if ((llGetPermissions() & PERMISSION_TAKE_CONTROLS)) //if take control permission has been given
llSay(0, "Control Granted. You can now use your forward and back arrow keys to control the chair");
//state default;
if (! (llGetPermissions() & PERMISSION_TAKE_CONTROLS)) //if control permission has not been given
llSay(0, "Agent has not given permission");
control( key id, integer held, integer change ) // event for processing key press.
vector position = llGetPos();
if ( change & held & CONTROL_FWD )
{ // the "move forward" control has been activated.
if( position.z <(startPosition.z + 10.0) )
llSetPos( llGetPos() + < 0, 0, 1.0 >); // move up
else if ( change & held & CONTROL_BACK )
{ // the "move backward" key has been activated.
if( position.z > groundLevel + 1.0 )
llSetPos( llGetPos() + ><0, 0, -1.0 >); // move down
timer () // Reset the object to it's original position after 20 seconds
count ++; //increment count
if(count > 20) // reset after 20 secs
llSetPos( startPosition );
// End of code;>