Open Prim Animator


// Source:

// Open Prim Animator - by Todd Borst
// This is provided AS IS without support.  Please don't bug me demanding 
// help or custom work for this free script.
// Summary: This is a simple prim animation script.  Just add this script
// to your object and a dialog will automatically pop up for you to use.
// Features:
// -Single script "Prim Puppeteer" like animation tool
// -Playback controllable through external scripts
// -Animation is scalable and resizeable
// -On-touch trigger built-in
// -Completely free and open sourced 
// License:
// You are welcome to use this anyway you like, even bring to other grids
// outside of Second Life.  If you try to sell what I'm giving away for
// free, you will be cursed with unimaginably bad juju.
integer COMMAND_CHANNEL = 32;
integer primCount = 0;
integer commandListenerHandle = -1;
list posList     = [];
list rotList     = [];
list scaleList   = [];
integer currentSnapshot   = 0;
integer recordedSnapshots = 0;
vector rootScale   = ZERO_VECTOR;
vector scaleChange = <1 ,1,1>;
// For tracking memory usage.  The amount of snapshots you can record is based
// on the number of prims and available memory.  Less prims = more snapshots
integer maxMemory  = 0;
integer freeMemory = 0;
integer playAnimationStyle = 0;
// The values for playAnimationStyle means
// 0 = no animation playing
// 1 = play animation once
// 2 = play animation looping
// This function is used to display a recorded snapshot
showSnapshot(integer snapNumber)
    if(snapNumber > 0 && snapNumber <= recordedSnapshots )
        integer i = 0;
        vector   pos;
        rotation rot;
        vector   scale;
        vector rootPos = llGetPos();
        // Might want to move llGetRot() into the loop for fast rotating objects.
        // Rotation during the animation playback may cause errors.
        rotation rootRot = llGetRot();
        //2 is the first linked prim number.
        for( i = 2; i <= primCount; i++)
            pos     = llList2Vector(posList,((snapNumber-1)*(primCount-1))+(i-2));
            rot     = llList2Rot(rotList,((snapNumber-1)*(primCount-1))+(i-2));
            scale   = llList2Vector(scaleList,((snapNumber-1)*(primCount-1))+(i-2));
            //Adjust for scale changes
            if( rootScale.x != 1.0 || rootScale.y != 1.0 || rootScale.z != 1.0 )
                pos.x *= scaleChange.x;
                pos.y *= scaleChange.y;
                pos.z *= scaleChange.z;
                scale.x *= scaleChange.x;
                scale.y *= scaleChange.y;
                scale.z *= scaleChange.z;
            llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast( i, [ PRIM_POSITION, pos, PRIM_ROTATION, rot/rootRot, PRIM_SIZE, scale ] );
// This function is used to start a sequential animation playback.
// If the delay speed is set too low, the script might not be able to keep up.
playAnimation(float delay, integer loop)
    if(delay < 0.1) delay = 1.0;
    if( loop == FALSE)
        playAnimationStyle = 1;
        playAnimationStyle = 2;
    if (recordedSnapshots >= 1)
// This shows the edit menu
    string temp = (string)((float)freeMemory/(float)maxMemory * 100.0);
    string menuText = "Available Memory: " + (string)freeMemory + " (" + llGetSubString(temp, 0, 4) +"%)" +
    "\nCurrent Snapshot: " + (string)currentSnapshot +"\tSnapshots Recorded: " + (string)recordedSnapshots +
    "\n\n[ Record ] - Record a snapshot of prim positions\n[ Play ] - Play back all the recorded snapshots\n[ Publish ] - Finish the recording process\n[ Show Next ] - Show the next snapshot\n[ Show Prev ] - Show the previous snapshot";
    llDialog(llGetOwner(), menuText, ["Record","Play","Publish","Show Prev","Show Next"], COMMAND_CHANNEL);
        maxMemory = llGetFreeMemory();
        freeMemory = llGetFreeMemory();
        primCount = llGetNumberOfPrims();
        commandListenerHandle = llListen(COMMAND_CHANNEL,"", llGetOwner(), "");
        //setting initial root scale.  this allows the animation to scale if the root size is changed afterwards.
        rootScale = llGetScale();
    //Feel free to remove this on-touch trigger if you are using your own script to control playback
    touch_start(integer num_detected)
        //only activate after publish.
        if (commandListenerHandle == -1)
            //if animation not playing start it, else stop it.
            if( playAnimationStyle == 0)
                playAnimationStyle = 0;
    changed(integer change)
        //this is needed to detect scale changes and record the differences in order to adjust the animation accordingly.
        if (change & CHANGED_SCALE)
            if (rootScale != ZERO_VECTOR)
                vector newScale = llGetScale();
                //since change_scale is triggered even with linked prim changes,
                //this is to filter out non-root changes.
                if( ( newScale.x / rootScale.x) != scaleChange.x ||
                    ( newScale.y / rootScale.y) != scaleChange.y ||
                    ( newScale.z / rootScale.z) != scaleChange.z )
                    scaleChange.x = newScale.x / rootScale.x;
                    scaleChange.y = newScale.y / rootScale.y;
                    scaleChange.z = newScale.z / rootScale.z;
        // if new prims are added or removed from this object then the script resets
        // because the animations are now broken.
        else if (change & CHANGED_LINK)
            if( primCount != llGetNumberOfPrims() )
                llOwnerSay("Link change detected, reseting script.");
    //The message link function is to allow other scripts to control the snapshot playback
    //This command will display snapshot #2:
    //      llMessageLinked(LINK_ROOT, 2, "XDshow", NULL_KEY);  llSleep(1.0);
    //This command will play through all the recorded snapshots in ascending order.  The number "1.0" is the delay speed and can be changed.
    //      llMessageLinked(LINK_ROOT, 0, "XDplay", "1.0");
    //This command will loop through all the recorded snapshots in ascending order.  The number "1.0" is the delay speed and can be changed.
    //      llMessageLinked(LINK_ROOT, 0, "XDplayLoop", "1.0");
    //To stop any playing animation use
    //      llMessageLinked(LINK_ROOT, 0, "XDstop", NULL_KEY);
    link_message(integer sender_num, integer num, string str, key id)
        if ("XDshow" == str && num >= 1 && num <= recordedSnapshots)
        else if ("XDplay" == str)
            currentSnapshot = 1;
            float delay = (float)((string)id);
        else if ("XDplayLoop" == str)
            float delay = (float)((string)id);
        else if ("XDstop" == str)
            playAnimationStyle = 0;
    //This event handler takes care of all the editing commands.
    //Available commands are: record, play, publish, show next, show prev, show #
    listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message)
        list parsedMessage = llParseString2List(message, [" "], []);
        string firstWord = llToLower(llList2String(parsedMessage,0));
        string secondWord = llToLower(llList2String(parsedMessage,1));
        //display a snapshot
        if("show" == firstWord && recordedSnapshots > 0)
            //stop any currently playing animation.
            if(secondWord == "next")
                if(currentSnapshot > recordedSnapshots)
                    currentSnapshot = 1;
            else if(secondWord == "prev")
                if(currentSnapshot <1)
                    currentSnapshot = recordedSnapshots;
                // when the conversion fails, snapshotNumber = 0
                currentSnapshot = (integer)secondWord;
                if(currentSnapshot > 0 && currentSnapshot <= recordedSnapshots )
                    llOwnerSay("Showing snapshot: "+(string)currentSnapshot);
                    llOwnerSay("Invalid snapshot number given: " + (string) currentSnapshot +
                                "\nA valid snapshot number is between 1 and " + (string) recordedSnapshots);
                    currentSnapshot = 1;
        //record a snapshot
        else if(firstWord == "record")
            integer i = 0;
            //2 is the first linked prim number.
            vector rootPos = llGetPos();
            for( i = 2; i <= primCount; i++)
                vector pos = llList2Vector(llGetLinkPrimitiveParams(i, [PRIM_POSITION]),0);
                //need to convert into local position
                pos.x -= rootPos.x;
                pos.z -= rootPos.z;
                pos.y -= rootPos.y;
                pos = pos / llGetRot();
                posList += pos;
                rotation rot = llList2Rot(llGetLinkPrimitiveParams(i, [PRIM_ROTATION]),0);
                //Converting into local rot
                rot = rot / llGetRot();
                rotList += rot;
                scaleList += llList2Vector(llGetLinkPrimitiveParams(i, [PRIM_SIZE]),0);
            llOwnerSay("Total number of snapshots recorded: " + (string)recordedSnapshots);
            freeMemory = llGetFreeMemory();
        //play the animation from beginning to end once without looping.
        else if (firstWord == "play")
            float delay = (float)secondWord;
            currentSnapshot = 1;
            //play the animation once without loop
            playAnimation(delay, FALSE);
        //publish disables the recording features and enables the on-touch trigger
        else if("publish" == firstWord)
            //stop any currently playing animation.
            playAnimationStyle = 0;
            currentSnapshot = 1;
            //remove listeners to disable recording
            commandListenerHandle = -1; //indicating that it's been published
            llOwnerSay("Recording disabled. Publish complete.\nClick me to toggle animation on/off.");
        //if not published, show menu
        if(commandListenerHandle != -1)
    //Timer event is used to handle the animation playback.
        //if not at the end of the animation, increment the counter
        if(currentSnapshot < recordedSnapshots)
            // if animation is looping, set the counter back to 1
            if( playAnimationStyle == 2)
                currentSnapshot = 1;
            // if animation isn't looping, stop the animation
                //if not published, show dialog menu
                if(commandListenerHandle != -1)


Bird Aerodynamic Flight Script


Bird Flight Script 8f1

//                          Bird Flight Script
//      Move the bird high enough that it won't hit anything right away and then click on it.
//  It will fly around the location vector set at the top of "timer".  It will stay on about a quarter sim.
//  The z omponent of this vector is the maximum height.
//  (If it won't let you change the script, find a copy with full permissions.)
//      It attempts to resume flying after various problems, but if it stops or gets stuck,
//  move it where there is space to fly and click again once or twice.  If that fails, reset the script.
//  (It may fail to climb if you launch it more than about 50 m below the set hight.)
//      There are no "if" statements controling the normal flight!  The whole thing is done by simulating aerodynamics.
//  That is, by coupled differectial equations (approximated by difference equations), simulating a free flight model airplane.
//  It uses the SL physical vehicle type, and much additional dynamics and tuning is done by the script.
//      The bird (or airplane) is not forced to stay on the sim, it is steared, as a bird would stay above a food area.
//      Vertically, it stays off the ground by simulating a stable free flight model,
//  such as a Guillows rise off ground rubber powered model from a toy store or Langley's pioneering steam powered models.
//  To make long flights more interesting, the parametres are gradually varried with hight,
//  so that a stall is assured by the time it reaches the hight set in the top of "timer", below.
//      Mathematically the motion is deterministic at low altitude, in the strong sense of
//  the coupled differential equations being uniformly integrable.  But the motion is chaotic at high altitude.
//  That is, the recovery from a stall can be arbitrarily sensetive to the exact motion at the point of stall.
//      The numerical solution captures some of the chaotic nature of a real world stalling airplane.
//  Based on:
//      Li'l Stinker Flight Script, by Fritz t. Cat (Fritz Kakapo)
//      Since the version I started with was public domain, with free software intentions expressed,
//  I, Fritz t. Cat, hereby publish my modified version, below, under the GNU General Public License,
//  on 2009 July 14 and subsequent versions as available.  This means that it is a copyright violation to set
//  no-copy, no-modify, no-transfer or turn off "allow anyone to copy" on this script,
//  the Li'l Stinker Airplane for which it was written, or anything derived from either of them. 
//  And also that a GNU Licence statement and credits, according to the current version of the license,
//  must accompany anything derived from this script or airplane.  I have reproduced the public domain script,
//  in a note card, for use in proprietary products.
//      The aerodynamics and algorithms used are not copyrightable and may be used as a guide to other scripts.
//      Please refer to some source, such as Wikipedia, for the exact license terms.
//  I have kept some of the earlier comments here:
// Simple airplane script example
// THIS SCRIPT IS PUBLIC DOMAIN! Do not delete the credits at the top of this script!
// Nov 25, 2003 - created by Andrew Linden and posted in the Second Life scripting forum
// Jan 05, 2004 - Cubey Terra - minor changes: customized controls, added enable/disable physics events
// Feel free to copy, modify, and use this script.
// Always give credit to Andrew Linden and all people who modify it in a read me or in the object description.
//      The script assumes that the root primitive is oriented such that its:
//  local x-axis points toward the nose of the plane, and its
//  local z-axis points toward the top.
//  This bird script is tuned for a flight weight of 0.194306 virtual kilegrams, as of 2009.12.19.
//      Particle System         This is not bird-like but can be used to see the flight path more clearly.
//float rate =  0.1; // Adujusted in timer.
                                // MASK FLAGS: set  to "TRUE" to enable
integer glow = TRUE;                                // Makes the particles glow
integer bounce = FALSE;                             // Make particles bounce on Z plane of objects
integer interpColor = TRUE;                         // Color - from start value to end value
integer interpSize = TRUE;                          // Size - from start value to end value
integer wind = FALSE;                               // Particles effected by wind
integer followSource = FALSE;                       // Particles follow the source
integer followVel = TRUE;                           // Particles turn to velocity direction

                                                    // Choose a pattern from the following:
                                                    // PSYS_SRC_PATTERN_EXPLODE
                                                    // PSYS_SRC_PATTERN_DROP
                                                    // PSYS_SRC_PATTERN_ANGLE_CONE_EMPTY
                                                    // PSYS_SRC_PATTERN_ANGLE_CONE
                                                    // PSYS_SRC_PATTERN_ANGLE

    integer pattern = PSYS_SRC_PATTERN_EXPLODE;

                                                    // Select a target for particles to go towards
                                                    // "" for no target, "owner" will follow object owner
                                                    //    and "self" will target this object
                                                    //    or put the key of an object for particles to go to

                            // Particle paramaters
    float age = 255.;                                  // Life of each particle
    float maxSpeed = 0.03;                          // Max speed each particle is spit out at
    float minSpeed = 0.0;                           // Min speed each particle is spit out at
    string texture = "cloud for smoke";             // Texture used for particles, default used if blank
    float startAlpha = .8;                         // Start alpha (transparency) value
    float endAlpha = 0.05;                           // End alpha (transparency) value
    vector startColor =  <0.99, 0.99, 0.99 >;        // Start color of particles 
    vector endColor =  <0.2, 0.7, 0.2 >;         // End color of particles  (if interpColor == TRUE)
    vector startSize = <0.2, 0.2, 0>;               // Start size of particles
    vector endSize = <2., 2., 0 >;                       // End size of particles (if interpSize == TRUE)
    vector push = <0., 0., 0. >;                        // Force pushed on particles

                            // System paramaters
    float rate = 0.15;                               // How fast (rate) to emit particles
    float radius = 0.1;                             // Radius to emit particles for BURST pattern
    integer count = 1;                             // How many particles to emit per BURST
    float outerAngle = 0.;                         // Outer angle for all ANGLE patterns
    float innerAngle = 0.;                        // Inner angle for all ANGLE patterns
    vector omega = <0,0,0>;                         // Rotation of ANGLE patterns around the source
    float life = 0;                                 // Life in seconds for the system to make particles

                            // Script variables
    integer flags;

      flags = 0;

    if (glow) flags = flags | PSYS_PART_EMISSIVE_MASK;
    if (bounce) flags = flags | PSYS_PART_BOUNCE_MASK;
    if (interpColor) flags = flags | PSYS_PART_INTERP_COLOR_MASK;
    if (interpSize) flags = flags | PSYS_PART_INTERP_SCALE_MASK;
    if (wind) flags = flags | PSYS_PART_WIND_MASK;
    if (followSource) flags = flags | PSYS_PART_FOLLOW_SRC_MASK;
    if (followVel) flags = flags | PSYS_PART_FOLLOW_VELOCITY_MASK;

    llParticleSystem( );
// The thrust is saved and restored as it decays, to continue cruising.
vector gLinearMotor = <0, 0, 0>;
//      Used to handle exceptions:
float last_time;        // previously stored time of day
vector last_pos_1a =  <-7,-7,-7>;
vector last_pos_1b =  <-7,-7,-7>;
vector last_pos_2a =  <-7,-7,-7>;
vector last_pos_2b =  <-7,-7,-7>;
integer kownt_1 = 0;
integer kownt_2 = 0;
float leap =  10.;
integer flying = FALSE;     //  Keeps track of whether flying or pearched.
integer pause =  1;
//      Base values of dynamically varied parameters:
float ANGULAR_DEFLECTION_TIMESCALE_0 =  8.;   // Can be used to decrease stability with altitude.
float LINEAR_DEFLECTION_TIMESCALE_0  =  27.;     // fuselage lift
float ANGULAR_MOTOR_TIMESCALE_0  =      1.0;   // This is shortened in timer, to increase control effectiveness with speed.
vector ANGULAR_FRICTION_TIMESCALE_0 =  <0.10, 0.08, 0.58 >;    // Along with angular motor time scale,
vector steady_torque = <0, 0, 0. >;         // Aerodynamic torque, to add trim and dynamics.
integer new_collision =  5;     // Decremented in timer.
vector global_pos;              // position relative to launch point, counting 246 m for each sim
vector  Center_0;
        llSetStatus( STATUS_PHYSICS, FALSE );   // Stop if already flying.
        //              Set initial values of vehicle parameters.
        llSetVehicleType( VEHICLE_TYPE_AIRPLANE );    // Sets default airplane-like parameters.
        // action of the fin and stabilizer:  Points toward velocity.
        // The front turns toward the current velocity.
         llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_ANGULAR_DEFLECTION_EFFICIENCY, 1. );
        //                                              "behave much like the deflection time scales"
        // fuselage lift.
        //      Wing lift is handled with VEHICLE_LINEAR_FRICTION_TIMESCALE below.
        // The velocity turns toward the front.  (Exact formula unknown.)
         llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_LINEAR_DEFLECTION_EFFICIENCY, 1. );
         //                                               "behave much like the deflection time scales"
        // propeller thrust strength
        //  Shorter time scale makes it more stable.  Longer makes a wider speed range.
         llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_LINEAR_MOTOR_TIMESCALE, 2.0 );       // 1/strength
        // "it cannot be set longer than 120 seconds"
         llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_LINEAR_MOTOR_DECAY_TIMESCALE, 15.);
        //  Throttle gradually closes with time, but defeated:  Refreshed below in timer.
        //  This controls the strength of the torques set in timer.
        llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_ANGULAR_MOTOR_TIMESCALE, ANGULAR_MOTOR_TIMESCALE_0 );   //  1/strength
        llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_ANGULAR_MOTOR_DECAY_TIMESCALE, 1.5 );
        //  Control returns to neutral when released.  But it is reset in timer, so this ony matters when there is lag.
        //--------------------- linear friction ------------------------------------------------
        //      The x component is parasite drag (along with VEHICLE_LINEAR_MOTOR_TIMESCALE).
        //      The y component contributes to fuselage transverse lift and to drag due to yaw.
        //  The effect of dyhedral depends on side slip.
        //      The z component might seem to be just a vertical damping, but when pitch changes by a small amount,
        // most of the motion in the direction that was previously forward, becomes motion in the new forward direction,
        // with initially only a small transverse (up or down) component.  With a short decay time scale
        // in the z direction, that component is lost quickly, so the motion continues to follow the pitch angle, with little loss.
        // The larger the z time constant is, the more "induced drag" there is.  That is VEHICLE_LINEAR_FRICTION_TIMESCALE.z
        // greater than zero causes a drag that increases with lift, similarly to induced drag of a physical airplane.
        //      The z component gives the wing lift.  Decreasing it allows the airplane to fly more slowly,
        //  without loss of speed or altitude.  But it seems to be near the limit, to fly slower one may need buoyancy.
         llSetVehicleVectorParam( VEHICLE_LINEAR_FRICTION_TIMESCALE, <14., 2.0, 0.008 > );
         // This is damping of rotation.  Physically it would increase with the length and wing span.
         // The z component is neccesary for the dihedral and sweepback to be effective.
         // Along with angular motor time scale,  this damps the rotational motion.
         llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_VERTICAL_ATTRACTION_TIMESCALE, 1000 );    // CG below center of lift, pendulum period.
         llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_VERTICAL_ATTRACTION_EFFICIENCY, 0 );  // damping, 0–1: 1. is fully damped.
         // This needs to be weak for a stunt airplane, that should fly nearly the same upside down as right side up.
         // It is desirable especially in free flight models, such as paper gliders.  See the dynamic coupling in timer.
        //  This drives yaw in the direction of roll, imitating use of rudder by the pilot.
        llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_BANKING_EFFICIENCY, 0 );    // Is there a difference between time scale
        llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_BANKING_TIMESCALE, 1000 );     //   and efficiency?
        llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_BANKING_MIX, 0 );          // more yaw control when moving, 0 = none at rest.
        //  Since this imitates a manual control, any convenient value set is physical (assuming a rotating tail wheel).
        //      The Wright brothers found that mechanical coupling of the rudder and ailerons was not sufficient,
        //  because of the delays involved.
        // It is not used here, because it was not intended for attitudes far from right side up.
        // "hover can be better than sliding along the ground during takeoff and landing
        // but it only works over the terrain (not objects)"
        //llSetVehicleFloatParam(VEHICLE_HOVER_HEIGHT, 3.0);
        //llSetVehicleFloatParam(VEHICLE_HOVER_EFFICIENCY, 0.5);
        //llSetVehicleFloatParam(VEHICLE_HOVER_TIMESCALE, 2.0);
        // "non-zero buoyancy helps the airplane stay up
        // set to zero if you don't want this crutch"
        // This was useful in the initial stages of tuning.  I think it simply reduces the gravitational
        //  contribution to downward acceleration.  It, here, is supposed to allow a longer timer setting.
        llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_BUOYANCY, 0. );
        //  Start with only vehicle torques.  This is set in timer.
        llSetVehicleVectorParam( VEHICLE_ANGULAR_MOTOR_DIRECTION, <0,0,0> );
        flying = FALSE;         // Keep track of not flying.
        llSetTimerEvent( 0. );  // Stop timer.
        //StopSteam();          // Stop particles.
        //llSetSoundQueueing( TRUE );     // This is supposed to make sounds wait for eachother, but it doesn't work.
        //          So llSleep is used below to force wait.
        //llSay(0, (string)llGetMass()+" virtual kilograms." );
        llSay(0, "Cogito ergo sum.");     // (quote from 1952 Galaxy science fiction story)
        llSay(0, "Touch to set center and start.");     //
    }   //  End init().
    on_rez(integer start_param)
    touch_start(integer total_number)
        if (  llDetectedOwner( 0 )  !=  llGetOwner()  )
            // only the owner can use this vehicle
            llSay(0, "Please take a copy of this airplane or bird and fly your own copy.
            (If it is not set \"Free to copy\" or \"For sale l$ 0\", contact the owner or the creator.)
            You aren't the owner -- only the owner can fly this plane.");
        if ( ! flying )
            Center_0 =  llGetPos();
            global_pos =  Center_0;         // location relative to launch point
            llPlaySound( "parrot2", 1.0 );
            //StartSteam();     // Start paricle tracer smoke trail.
            gLinearMotor =  <11., 0, 0. >;        // Set thrust.
            llSetVehicleVectorParam( VEHICLE_LINEAR_MOTOR_DIRECTION, gLinearMotor );
            llSetStatus( STATUS_PHYSICS, TRUE );    // Enable physics.
            llApplyImpulse( <0.3, 0, 0.05 >, TRUE ); // Except for humbingbirds, birds run or push off with their feet.
            flying = TRUE;
            llSay(0, "Started.");
            last_time = llGetTimeOfDay();       //  to test for lag
            llSetTimerEvent( 0.5 );        // seconds  Timer controls flight.
            llSleep( 2. );
            llLoopSound( "parrot1", 0.25 );
            llSetStatus( STATUS_PHYSICS, FALSE );
            llSay(0, "Stopped manually.");
            llSetTimerEvent( 0. );         // Stop timer.
            flying = FALSE;
        }   // End owner.
        //----------------------------------- Set parcel center. -------------------------------------------
        //          This vector should be changed to match the location available for flight.    <--------------------<<<<
        //vector  Center =  <  128.,  128.,  30.+20.+llFabs(llGround(<0,0,0>)-20.)  >;    //   Use constant east, north.
        //vector  Center =  Center_0  +  <0.,  0.,  30.  >;    //   Use starting hight as flat ground level.
        Center_0.z =  0.;
        vector  Center =  Center_0  +  <0.,  0.,  30.+20.+llFabs(llGround(<0,0,0>)-20.)  >;    //   higher over water
        //vector  Center =  Center_0  +  <0.,  0.,  30.+10.+llGround(<0,0,0>)  >;             //   lower over water
        //      This is the locaiton that it flies around.  The z component is about the top of the flight pattern
        //  and should be high enough to keep it off the ground most of the time.
        //      The bird will stear to stay near the horizontal part and below the vertical value.
        //---------------------------- Update position + 256 * sim count. ------------------------------------
        vector pos =  llGetPos();
        vector delta_pos =  pos-global_pos;
        if ( delta_pos.x <-128. )    delta_pos.x =  delta_pos.x + 256.;
        else if ( delta_pos.x > 128. )    delta_pos.x =  delta_pos.x - 256.;
        if ( delta_pos.y <-128. )    delta_pos.y =  delta_pos.y + 256.;
        else if ( delta_pos.y > 128. )    delta_pos.y =  delta_pos.y - 256.;
        global_pos +=  delta_pos;
        //----------------------------- Get some flight data used below. ------------------------------------
        rotation rot =  llGetRot();
        vector glob_dorsal =  <0,0,1> * rot;     // dorsal direction in global coordinates
        float horizontal =  glob_dorsal * <0,0,1>;
        vector v =  llGetVel();
        float speed =  llSqrt( v * v );
        //llShout( 0, (string) speed ); // debug and tuning
        //--------------------------------  Refresh motor settings. -----------------------------------------
        llSetVehicleVectorParam( VEHICLE_LINEAR_MOTOR_DIRECTION, gLinearMotor );
        //                                          This is to defeat VEHICLE_LINEAR_MOTOR_DECAY_TIMESCALE.
        //---------------- Include speed increase of contol surface effectiveness. ----------------------------------
                      /   (  0.5  +  0.5 * speed / 8.  )   ); // fuselage lift
                      /   (  0.15  +  0.85 * llSqrt( speed*speed ) / 8.  )   );   //  1/strength of controls
        //---------------------------------------------  Dynamics  ------------------------------------------------------
        steady_torque = <0., 0, 0. >;
        //  >>>>>>------------------------->   Stear toward parcel center.   <--------------------------------------<<<<<<
        //                          (It can be allowed to wander by removing this section.)
        vector  toCenter =  Center - global_pos;  // global vector to center of parcel
        if ( toCenter.z < 0. )   {  jump skip_dynamics;  }  // None of this dynamics makes any sense if we are above ceiling!
        //      Roll and yaw to the port of center, moving inward and to starboard when moving away from center.
        //  This moves it toward center, when circling right.
        vector  h_toCenter =  toCenter;   
        h_toCenter.z = 0;        // No vertical here.
        vector  loc_h_toCenter =  h_toCenter  / rot;   // global to local coordinate transformation;
        vector  left =  -loc_h_toCenter;
        left.y = 0;
        left.z = -2. * left.x;        // Roll component goes to roll and yaw.
        steady_torque +=  left * 0.0016 * speed;       // Roll to left of center, to right away.
        //      Turn toward center.  This tends to move it to center when not circeling.
        vector turn_toCenter =  < 1, 0, 0 > % loc_h_toCenter;
        //                                      Forward x redius = torque toward center.
        steady_torque +=  turn_toCenter * 0.0030 * speed;       // Adjust strength.  Add to torque.
        //      This replaces the code above, to move cross country:
        //steady_torque +=  <-1, 1, 0 > / llSqrt(2.) * 1.2  / llGetRot();   // Turn to east.
        //  This line directs the average direction approximatly East.  Rotate for other directions.
        //  That is, the version tested goes around 135 degrees to the right of the above constant vector.
        //-------------------------------------- Reduce stability at high altitude. --------------------------------
        float stability =  toCenter.z / 30.;
        stability =  llFabs( stability ) + 0.001;  // There have been run time math errors.
        float sqr_stab =  llSqrt(  stability  );
        float fourR_stab =  llSqrt( sqr_stab ) ;
        float eightR_stab =  llSqrt( fourR_stab ) ;
                    / ( 0.6 + 0.4*speed/8. )   *    ( 0.1 + 0.9*stability )    ); // fin and stabalizer
        //      Too much fin and stabalizer reduces dynamic stability, at maximum height.
                    /   (  sqr_stab  )   );
        //                                               Along with angular motor time scale,
        //      Less angular friction reduces static (angle only) stability damping.
        //---------------------------  Dynamic Coupling and Trim Tuneing  -----------------------------------------------
        vector local_vel = v / rot;      // global to local coordines
        //      Spiral right to help stay in sim (and stabalize phugoid).
        float right =  0.;
        right +=  0.04 * local_vel.x * fourR_stab;
        right +=  0.024   * local_vel.x * local_vel.x * fourR_stab;
        right +=  0.002   * local_vel.x * local_vel.x * local_vel.x;
        steady_torque.x +=  right;
        steady_torque.z -=  1.5 * right;
        //          Dihedral:  Wing tip on the downward side lifts when moving sideways.
        //          If VEHICLE_ANGULAR_FRICTION_TIMESCALE.z holds the nose back from the turn
        //  and VEHICLE_LINEAR_FRICTION_TIMESCALE.y lets it slip slip sideways,
        //  then the dihedral lifts the inside wing in a turn.
        steady_torque.x +=  4. * local_vel.y;    //
        steady_torque.x +=  0.5 * local_vel.y * speed * fourR_stab;    //
        steady_torque.x +=  0.06 * local_vel.y * speed * speed * fourR_stab;    //
        //          Wing sweep-back  ---  similar to dyhedral but only works when lifting
        //      The wing that is yawed forward and the body is sideslipping toward has more lift.
        steady_torque.x -=  0.5 *( local_vel.y * local_vel.z * local_vel.x );
        steady_torque.x -=  0.5 *( local_vel.y * local_vel.z * local_vel.x * local_vel.x );
        //      Turn upward:  This is the trim incidence of the stabalizer.
        steady_torque.y -=  0.10 * speed;
        //      Low powers of speed control the climb angle.
        steady_torque.y -=  0.30 * local_vel.x * speed * speed;
        //      The high powers of speed make it recover quickly from steep dives.
        steady_torque.y -=  0.03  * speed * speed * speed * speed / fourR_stab;
        //      Turn downward:  Like the paper clip on the nose of a paper airplane.
        steady_torque.y +=  1.;                 //      A steep slope of this torque with speed
        steady_torque.y +=  1.3 * horizontal     //  makes the phugoid unstable.
                                * sqr_stab;    // Fades out to make it stall.
        llSetVehicleVectorParam( VEHICLE_ANGULAR_MOTOR_DIRECTION, steady_torque );  // Apply the torque.
        //----------------------------------- Handle Exceptions --------------------------------------------
        //                      Lag
        float time =  llGetTimeOfDay();
        if ( time > last_time + 5. )    // Usually when crossing sim boundaries.
            llSetStatus( STATUS_PHYSICS, FALSE );         //   Turn off physics.
            llSay( 0, "Flight suspended, for timer timeout." );
            pause = -20;
        last_time =  time;
        //                      Recovers from trying to enter restricted space.
        if ( !llGetStatus(STATUS_PHYSICS) && flying && pause>0 )
            llSetRot(  llGetRot()  *  llAxisAngle2Rot( <0,0,1>, PI*2./3. )  );
            pause = -10;
        //                      Low "energy"
        float e = llGetEnergy();
        if ( e <0.95 )
            llSay( 0, (string) e );
            if ( e < 0.5 )
                llSetStatus( STATUS_PHYSICS, FALSE );          //   Pause physics.
                llSay( 0, "Flight suspended, to catch his breath." );
                pause = -30;
        //                      Continue after timed pause.
        pause += 1;
        if ( pause == 0 && flying )
            llPlaySound( "parrot2", 1.0 );
            llSetStatus( STATUS_PHYSICS, TRUE );
            llSleep( 2. );
            llLoopSound( "parrot1", 0.25 );
        //                      Break away if stuck.
        if   (   llGetStatus( STATUS_PHYSICS )   )
            if (   kownt_1 == 40 )
                vector diff_a =  pos - last_pos_1a;
                vector diff_b =  pos - last_pos_1b;
                if (  diff_a*diff_a + diff_b*diff_b  < 2.  )
                    llPlaySound( "parrot2", 1.0 );
                    llSay( 0, "Stuck!" );
                    llSetStatus(STATUS_PHYSICS, FALSE);
                    pos.z +=  leap;                 // Attempt to jump over obsticle.
                    if ( pos.z > Center.z )
                    {   pos.z =  Center.z; }        // But not above set ceiling.
                    llSetPos( pos );
                    llSetStatus(STATUS_PHYSICS, TRUE);
                    leap +=  10.;
                    llSleep( 2. );
                    llLoopSound( "parrot1", 0.25 );
                last_pos_1b =  last_pos_1a;
                last_pos_1a =  pos;
                kownt_1 =  0;
            if (   kownt_2 == 400 )
                vector diff_a =  pos - last_pos_2a;
                vector diff_b =  pos - last_pos_2b;
                if (  diff_a*diff_a + diff_b*diff_b  <6.  )
                    llPlaySound( "parrot2", 1.0 );
                    llSay( 0, "Stuck!" );
                    llSetStatus(STATUS_PHYSICS, FALSE);
                    pos.z +=  leap;                 // Attempt to jump over obsticle.
                    if ( pos.z > Center.z )
                    {   pos.z =  Center.z; }        // But not above set ceiling.
                    llSetPos( pos );
                    llSetStatus(STATUS_PHYSICS, TRUE);
                    leap +=  10.;
                    llSleep( 2. );
                    llLoopSound( "parrot1", 0.25 );
                last_pos_2b =  last_pos_2a;
                last_pos_2a =  pos;
                kownt_2 =  0;
            kownt_1 +=  1;
            kownt_2 +=  1;
        }       // End STATUS_PHYSICS.
        new_collision  -= 1;
    }       // End timer.   -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    land_collision( vector pos )  // It tends to get stuck on its back like a turtle.
        if ( flying )
            if ( new_collision <= 0 )
            llStopSound();  // ?
            llPlaySound( "parrot2", 1.0 );
            llSetStatus( STATUS_PHYSICS, FALSE );   // Must be non-physical to set pos and rot.
            llSetPos(  llGetPos()  +  < 0, 0, 7. >  );
            rotation rot =  llGetRot();
            vector forward =  llRot2Fwd( rot );
            forward.z =  0.;         // Keep only the rotation around the vertical axis.
            rot =  llAxes2Rot( forward, <0,0,1.>%forward, <0,0,1.> );
            rot =  llAxisAngle2Rot( <0, -1. ,0>, 30.*PI/180. ) * rot;
            rot =  llAxisAngle2Rot( <0,0, -1. >, 45.*PI/180. ) * rot;
            rot =  llAxisAngle2Rot( <1., 0,0>, 10.*PI/180. ) * rot;
            llSetRot(  rot  ); 
            llSetStatus( STATUS_PHYSICS, TRUE );
            //llSay(0, "Ouch!" );
            llApplyImpulse( <0.05, 0, 0.002 >, TRUE ); // Except for humbingbirds, birds run or push off with there feet.
            last_time =  llGetTimeOfDay();  // Don't time out for the time it took to do this.
            //llSleep( 2. );    This was for the sound, but I think the script engine is not multi-threaded.
            llStopSound();  // ?    Otherwise it loops the wrong sound !?
            llLoopSound( "parrot1", 0.25 );
            new_collision =  10;
            llSetStatus( STATUS_PHYSICS, FALSE );
    }   // End land_collision.
    collision( integer n )  // It tends to get stuck on its back like a turtle.
        if ( flying )
            if ( new_collision <= 0 )
            llStopSound();  // ?
            llPlaySound( "parrot2", 0.1 );
            llSetStatus( STATUS_PHYSICS, FALSE );   // Must be non-physical to set pos and rot.
            rotation rot =  llGetRot();
            vector forward =  llRot2Fwd( rot );
            forward.z =  0.;         // Keep only the rotation around the vertical axis.
            rot =  llAxes2Rot( forward, <0,0,1.>%forward, <0,0,1.> );
            rot =  llAxisAngle2Rot( <0, -1. ,0>, 30.*PI/180. ) * rot;
            rot =  llAxisAngle2Rot( <0,0, -1. >, 45.*PI/180. ) * rot;
            rot =  llAxisAngle2Rot( <1., 0,0>, 10.*PI/180. ) * rot;
            llSetRot(  rot  );
            llSetPos(  llGetPos()  +  <0, 0, 2. >  );
            llSetStatus( STATUS_PHYSICS, TRUE );
            //llSay(0, "Ouch!" );
            llApplyImpulse( <0.1, 0, 0.07 >, TRUE ); // Except for humbingbirds, birds run or push off with there feet.
            last_time =  llGetTimeOfDay();  // Don't time out for the time it took to do this.
            //llSleep( 2. );    This was for the sound, but I think the script engine is not multi-threaded.
            llStopSound();  // ?    Otherwise it loops the wrong sound !?
            llLoopSound( "parrot1", 0.05 );
            new_collision =  10;
            llSetStatus( STATUS_PHYSICS, FALSE );
    }   // End collision.
}   // End default.


Sit and Play Animation


// Sets a sit target and plays whatever animation is 
// stored in the contents on the prim when someone sits down.
// Kimm Paulino
// Written for Synonyme Toll, April 2010
// These numbers are totally dependent on the object containing
// the script, and possibly even the animation to be used too.
vector gPosition = <0.0, 0.0, 0.1>;
vector gRotation = <0.0, 0.0, 0.0>;  // in degrees
    on_rez (integer start_param)
        // These numbers are totally dependent on the object containing the script!
        llSitTarget (gPosition, llEuler2Rot (gRotation * DEG_TO_RAD));
    changed (integer change)
        // When someone sits on an object, the av is considered to be
        // a linked-in child prim, so the link number changes
        if (change & CHANGED_LINK)
            key av = llAvatarOnSitTarget();
            if (av)
                // yes so need to play the animation
                // first request permissions - results in the callback ...
                llRequestPermissions(av, PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION);
    run_time_permissions(integer perms)
        // Do we have permissions to run the animations?
        // results in the timer!
        key av = llAvatarOnSitTarget();
        // If the av is still sitting, play the animation stored in the prim
        if (av)
            llStartAnimation( llGetInventoryName( INVENTORY_ANIMATION, 0 ));
            // stop playing the animations for sitting if the av
            // is no longer sitting ...


Sit on Animate


key owner;
key sitter;

string curanim;

    on_rez(integer params){llResetScript();}
     vector eul = <0,0,0>; //45 degrees around the z-axis, in Euler form
            eul *= DEG_TO_RAD; //convert to radians
            rotation quat = llEuler2Rot(eul); //convert to quaternion
    touch_start(integer total_number){
     changed(integer change) { // something changed
        if (change & CHANGED_LINK) { // and it was a link change
            llSleep(0.5); // llUnSit works better with this delay
            if (llAvatarOnSitTarget() != NULL_KEY) { // somebody is sitting on me
           llRequestPermissions(sitter, PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION);