Remote color control with menu"
vector red = <0.86,0.0,0.14>; vector green = <0,0.9,0>; vector white = <1,1,1>; vector black = <0.12,0.1,0.12>; vector steel = <0.27,0.51,0.71>; vector blue = <0.1,0.31,0.98>; vector orange = <1,.6,0>; vector yellow = <1,1,0.1>; vector brown = <0.5,0.25,0>; vector pink = <0.85,0,0.75>; vector purple = <0.8,0.21,0.8>; vector lime = <0.18,0.75,0.34>; vector sky = <0.53,0.81,0.92>; vector lavander = <0.2,0.2,0.4>; default { state_entry() { llSetStatus(STATUS_PHANTOM, TRUE); llListen(913, "", NULL_KEY, "" ); } on_rez(integer num) { llResetScript(); } listen(integer number, string name, key id, string message) { //--------------LightEffects---------- if(message=="redl") { llSetColor(red, ALL_SIDES); } if(message=="greenl") { llSetColor(green, ALL_SIDES); } if(message=="lavanderl") { llSetColor(lavander, ALL_SIDES); } if(message=="skyl") { llSetColor(sky, ALL_SIDES); } if(message=="purplel") { llSetColor(purple, ALL_SIDES); } if(message=="limel") { llSetColor(lime, ALL_SIDES); } if(message=="brownl") { llSetColor(brown, ALL_SIDES); } if(message=="orangel") { llSetColor(orange, ALL_SIDES); } if(message=="steell") { llSetColor(steel, ALL_SIDES); } if(message=="whitel") { llSetColor(white, ALL_SIDES); } if(message=="blackl") { llSetColor(black, ALL_SIDES); } if(message=="bluel") { llSetColor(blue, ALL_SIDES); } if(message=="yellowl") { llSetColor(yellow, ALL_SIDES); } if(message=="pinkl") { llSetColor(pink, ALL_SIDES); } if(message=="greenl") { llSetColor(green, ALL_SIDES); } if(message=="off") { llSetColor(white, ALL_SIDES); } } }
integer menu_handler; integer menu_channel; menu(key user,string title,list buttons)//make dialog easy, pick a channel by itself and destroy it after 5 seconds { menu_channel = (integer)(llFrand(99999.0) * -1);//yup a different channel at each use menu_handler = llListen(menu_channel,"","",""); llDialog(user,title,buttons,menu_channel); llSetTimerEvent(5.0); } default { state_entry() { llSetTouchText("Remote!"); } touch_start(integer t) { menu(llDetectedKey(0),"Choose a color from the List below...",["white","red","green","blue","steel","orange","yellow","pink","purple","sky","lavander","OFF"]); } timer() //so the menu timeout and close its listener { llSetTimerEvent(0.0); llListenRemove(menu_handler); } listen(integer channel,string name,key id,string message) { if (channel == menu_channel) //in case you have others listeners { integer c_channel = 913;//-----THIS IS THE CHANNEL FOR COMMANDS---- if(message == "white") { llShout(c_channel, "whitel"); } else if(message == "red") { llShout(c_channel, "redl"); } else if(message == "green") { llShout(c_channel, "greenl"); } else if(message == "blue") { llShout(c_channel, "bluel"); } else if(message == "black") { llShout(c_channel, "blackl"); } else if(message == "steel") { llShout(c_channel, "steell"); } else if(message == "orange") { llShout(c_channel, "orangel"); } else if(message == "yellow") { llShout(c_channel, "yellowl"); } else if(message == "purple") { llShout(c_channel, "purplel"); } else if(message == "pink") { llShout(c_channel, "pinkl"); } else if(message == "lime") { llShout(c_channel, "limel"); } else if(message == "sky") { llShout(c_channel, "skyl"); } else if(message == "lavander") { llShout(c_channel, "lavanderl"); } else if(message == "OFF") { llShout(c_channel, "off"); } } }}