Simple Door Script

Written by: Headmaster
// Was asked to modify an existing door script.  I was just given
// this to update so afraid I can't give credit, but if you know where
// the original came from, do let me know.
// Swinging door LSL script #1
// Handles the touch event.
// Handles the collision event.
// Handles closing the door automatically via a timer event.
// Triggers sounds when the door opens or closes.
// Updated by Kimm Paulino, April 2010, for Synonyme Toll,
// to use local coords for the rotations instead of global
// coords.
// Updated by Kimm Paulino, May 2010, for Synonyme Toll,
// to use messages to link two doors together.
// Note: For this to work, you need a door with a path cut
//       of 0.375 to 0.875 and a width that is twice as wide
//       as you need (the cut brings it back down to the right
//       size).  Without this, it will just rotate on the spot,
//       not swing at the edge.
// Parameters you might want to change
float  delay = 3.0;             // time to wait before automatically closing door
                                // set to 0.0 to not automatically close
float  direction = 1.0;         // set to 1.0 or -1.0 to control direction the door swings
float  volume = 0.5;            // 0.0 is off, 1.0 is loudest
integer linked_doors = 0;       // set to 1 if using this script in a linked set of doors
float  angle = 90.0;            // angle to open in degrees
integer coll_detect = 1;        // set to 1 to make door open on approach
// Variables you will most likely leave the same
key    open_sound  = "cb340647-9680-dd5e-49c0-86edfa01b3ac";
key    close_sound = "e7ff1054-003d-d134-66be-207573f2b535";
// KP: Link send/recv functions
// If you only have one pair of doors using this script, then
// these will be fine.  If you have several doors using this
// script that you don't want all opening together, then
// you'll have to change these to something unique.
integer LINK_MSG_NUM = 452345;
string LINK_MSG_STR_OPEN = "Open the door";
string LINK_MSG_STR_CLOSE = "Close the door";
linkSend (string dir)
    if (linked_doors)
        // Note: Could try to work out the link numbers of the doors,
        // but simplest is to send to all other prims in the build.
        llMessageLinked (LINK_ALL_OTHERS, LINK_MSG_NUM, dir, NULL_KEY);
integer linkRecv (integer sender_num, integer num, string str, key id, string str_to_check)
    if (linked_doors)
        // Check it really is a message for these doors
        if (num == LINK_MSG_NUM)
            if (str == str_to_check)
                // All good
                return 1;
    // not for us
    return 0;
// Processing for the script when it first starts up
default {
    // What we do when we first enter this state
    state_entry() {
        state open;                        // Move to the open state
// Processing for the script when it is in the closed state
state closed {
    // What we do when we first enter this state
    state_entry() {
        llTriggerSound(close_sound, volume); // Trigger the sound of the door closing
        llSetLocalRot(llEuler2Rot(<0, 0, direction * angle * DEG_TO_RAD>) * llGetLocalRot());
    // What we do when the door is clicked (”touched”) with the mouse
    touch_start(integer total_number) {
        linkSend (LINK_MSG_STR_OPEN);  // KP: Tell everyone else we are now in the open state
        state open;                        // Move to the open state
    // What to do when something hits the door 
    collision_start(integer total_number)
        if (coll_detect != 0)
            linkSend (LINK_MSG_STR_OPEN);  // KP: Tell everyone else we are now in the open state
            state open;                        // Move to the open state
    // KP: Handle link messages
    link_message (integer sender_num, integer num, string str, key id)
        if (linkRecv (sender_num, num, str, id, LINK_MSG_STR_OPEN))
            state open;                    // Move to the open state
    // What to do when the timer goes off
        llSetTimerEvent(0.0);              // Set the timer to 0.0 to turn it off
// Processing for the script when it is in the open state
state open {
    // What we do when we first enter this state
    state_entry() {
        llTriggerSound(open_sound, volume);// Trigger the sound of the door opening
        llSetLocalRot(llEuler2Rot(<0, 0, -direction * angle * DEG_TO_RAD>) * llGetLocalRot());
        llSetTimerEvent(delay);            // Set the timer to automatically close it
    // What do do when pulling the door from Inventory if it was saved while open
    on_rez(integer start_param) {
        state closed;
    // What we do when the door is clicked (”touched”) with the mouse
    touch_start(integer total_number) {
        linkSend (LINK_MSG_STR_CLOSE);  // KP: Tell everyone else we are now in the open state
        state closed;                      // Move to the closed state
    // What to do when something hits the door 
    collision_start(integer total_number)
        // Do nothing, the door is already open
    // KP: Handle link messages
    link_message (integer sender_num, integer num, string str, key id)
        if (linkRecv (sender_num, num, str, id, LINK_MSG_STR_CLOSE))
            state closed;                    // Move to the open state
    // What to do when the timer goes off
        llSetTimerEvent(0.0);             // Set the timer to 0.0 to turn it off
        state closed;                     // Move to the closed state