//Keknehv Psaltery Updated Version of DONATION BOX By jean cook, ama omega, and nada epoch Debugged by YadNi Monde (LoL) Yea, that s a Bunch O Peeps =) //Summary: The following script will make an object accept donations on your behalf. //Usage: stick it on any object you own(my favorite is a top hat), and it will promptly display: //"'s donation hat. //Donate if you are so inclined." //at which point anyone can right click on it and give you a tip. also, the script tells the donator thanks, and then tells you who donated how much //also shows the total amount donated integer totaldonated; string owner; default { on_rez( integer sparam ) { llResetScript(); } state_entry() { owner = llKey2Name( llGetOwner() ); llSetText( owner + "'s Tip Jar.\nPlease tip if you are so inclined!\n$L0 Donated so far",<.25,1,.65>,1); } money(key id, integer amount) { totaldonated += amount; llSetText( owner + "'s Tip Jar.\nPlease tip if you are so inclined!\n$L" + (string)amount + " Was donated last!\n" + "$L" + (string)totaldonated + " Donated so far",<.25,1,.65>,1); llInstantMessage(id,"Thanks for the tip! I really appreciate it."); llInstantMessage(llGetOwner(),(string)llKey2Name(id)+" donated $" + (string)amount); } }