Help Station

Written by: Headmaster

Give the avatar a card when clicked on it:


//   Help Station
//   Gives a note card to a person clicking on it.  

vector touched_color = <1,0,0>;             //  The color when touched 
vector normal_color = <1,1,1>;              //  The normal color (when not touched)
string note_name = "Yadni s Domain";          //  The name of the notecard you want to give

        llSetColor(normal_color, -1);

    touch_start(integer total_number)
        //  Make sound and switch color when touched
        llPlaySound("Switch", 1.0);
        llSetColor(touched_color, -1);
        //  Find out who clicked, and give them a note card
        key giver;
        giver = llDetectedKey(0);  
        string name = llDetectedName(0);
        if (giver != NULL_KEY)
            llGiveInventory(giver, note_name);
            //llEmail("This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.","Yadni s Domain", name);
    touch_end(integer total_number)
        //  Change the color back when click released
        llSetColor(normal_color, -1);